View Full Version : The Real Housewives of D.C. : Party Politics - 10/07/2010 09:00 PM EDT , BRAVO

10-08-2010, 01:00 PM

Synopsis:* The aftermath of the White House State Dinner.

What did Stacie, Mary, Lynda, and Catherine joke around about Michaele and Tareq needing to do in order to recover from the bad press?
Move to another country

What did Stacie and Jason comment about Michaele doing to Vice Pres. Joe Bidden in a photograph from the State Dinner?
Putting a hand on his chest

What did Michaele tell Tareq her favorite part of attending the White House State Dinner would be?
Seeing all the different outfits and people

What did a man question Tareq about doing at the Congressional Hearing Committee?
Talking to an attorney repeatedly

What did Tareq and Michaele do after every question asked to them during a Congressional Hearing Committee?
Requested their right to remain silent

What did Michaele and Tareq do after a security guard could not find their names on the list for the White House State Dinner?
Walked down the street to wait

What did Stacie say she was afraid other people would do to her and Jason because they knew the Salahi's?
Think they are exactly like them

What did Catherine do before she went outside at Stacie's dinner party with the Salahis?
Insulted them very harshly

What did Tareq do to find out the press was reporting that he and Michaele had "crashed" the State Dinner?
Read a friend's message on his phone

What did Michaele and Tareq do at Stacie's house that caused Jason say he "had never seen anything" like it?
Exited out the back door


10-08-2010, 02:18 PM
Blackberry (Thanks, vivianbott)


What did Lynda suggest Michaele should do, that Paul argued with her about?
not Move into a small apartment

What did a newscaster say Tareq was doing after he discussed Tareq and Michaele's "storm of controversy" over the incident at the State dinner?
not Failing to present income tax forms

What did Jason say he, Stacie, Michaele, and Tareq could do once Catherine had left?
Enjoy all the hummus and olives

10-08-2010, 07:15 PM