View Full Version : Fringe- The Box

10-01-2010, 01:37 AM
What did Bolivia do to Peter to distract him when she saw that blood was creeping out the door behind him?
- Kissed him

What did Bolivia do after she thought she heard a train approaching?
- Ran to push Peter out the way

What did Broyles do when Peter was with Walter at the reading of the will?
- Called to see if he was with olivia

What did Bolivia find out about the man who did not die, when he showed up at her door?
- Appeared to be deaf

What did Bolivia do to the only bad guy who did not die, right before Peter knocked on her door?
- Shot him in the back of the head

What did John give to Bolivia that he referred to as "homework" after he said he had "everthing she needed for her new identity"?
- Book about history of pop culture

What did the bad guy who took the box do while he watched Bolivia stand outside of the apartment?
- Wrote her name down on paper

What did Peter raido Broyles that he did, after he went down the subway and found the box?
- Recognized it as a piece of a weapon

What happened to everyone in the house after the box retrieved from the hole had been opened?
- Blood poured out of their noses

What were Peter and Boliva doing when she got the phone call about a case?
- Dancing a song she favored

In a sponsored segment, what did sue from glee say after approaching members of the glee club who were trying to hepl a charity...?
- That she wrote a memoir...
-- American express

10-30-2010, 02:38 PM
What did Broyles tell Peter that he wanted Walter to do after Olivia had walked in?
Attempt to try to stay focused

What did Walter do after Broyles told him a lot of lives were saved due to his "quick thinking"?
Opened a safe with a key left for him