View Full Version : Fringe- Olivia

09-24-2010, 12:53 AM
What did Brandon tell Walter was the catalyst to Olivia gaining the memories of her alternate self?
- Adrenaline broke past the blood brain barrier

What did Olivia do to Lincoln at a gas station before firing shots at pursuing agents?
- Locked him in a bathroom

What did Olivia let Henry do, after Lincoln and Charlie left to track her from the opera house?
- Take a phone call from his wife

What did the police do at the opera house, after Olivia left Henry behind in a taxi?
- Quarantined the entrance

What did Olivia tell Henry to do for her, after threatening him with the information from his id card?
- Enter a store to buy her clothing
-- Ford

What did a therapist tell Olivia that she did, while trying to convince her that she was their univers' version of Olivia?
- Suffered from an injury to the head

What did olivia do after breaking out of the laboratory in the Statue of Liberty?
- Jumped over the eddge of a cliff

What did Henry do in the taxi after Olivia caused an explosion at the gas station?
- Removed a tracking device

What did Olivia do in a taxi on her way to a safe house she remembered Walter telling her about?
- Mixed Peter's name with someone elses

What did Olivia do at a gas station before Lincoln found her?
- Looked at a tatto on her neck

In a movie commerical, who was Matt Damon as people sought him out even as he refused to help them?
- Pyschic who could communicate with the dead
-- Here after

In a sponsored segment, what were Fringe fans told a wireless service would be doing throughout the season of the show?
- Declassifying top secret material, such as a graphic novel
-- Sprint

In a promotional ad, for a show called "Bob's Burgers" what happened in a cartoon scene?
- WRONG Family pulled up to a restaurant

09-24-2010, 04:11 PM
What Kind of dumpster did Olivia walk past after she locked Lincoln in a bathroom at a gas station, before firing shots at pursuing agents?

In a promotional ad, for a show called "Bob's Burgers" what happened in a cartoon scene?
Exterior of a restaurant was seen, as people's voices wondered if cows went to heaven

What did Peter do before he was asked why he came back to one universe?
Offered to fix a dying pen

What did Olivia do after henery dropped her off at a house?
Snuck in through an open window