View Full Version : Trail of Tears and 30,000 motorcycles.

09-18-2010, 07:03 AM
This will be a week end long party. We usually go but didn't this year. People bring their lawn chairs and grills and just set up on the side of the road anywhere along the path where the motorcycles will pass. It's very exciting to see this. Waterloo has a population of about 250 and it is a dead end at the cemetary. Everyone has to come out the way they went in. The motorcycles start coming in Friday with the majority of them getting there Sat. Parties will be in all the parks with roadside food stands and anything else motorcyclist will want to buy.
Bands will be playing in the parks and cookouts too. Is this laughable to some of you? When my daughter and son in law moved up there, the people he works with told him about it and laughed about the people sitting on the side of the road. My husband and I grew up in Florence, although we live in farther south , now, but still in the state.
The Indians from this area were walked out to Arizona. This is one of the paths they took, that's why it's called the trail of tears.

30,000 expected for motorcycle ride in N. Alabama

The Associated Press

Published: Saturday, September 18, 2010 at 4:00 a.m.
Last Modified: Saturday, September 18, 2010 at 4:00 a.m.
FLORENCE, Ala. - Law enforcement officers are expecting up to 30,000 motorcycles in north Alabama for the annual Trail of Tears commemorative ride.

The riders are starting from Chattanooga, Tenn. Some will go through Lawrenceburg, Tenn. Others will go through Huntsville and Rogersville. The riders will end up in Florence and Waterloo in northwest Alabama on Saturday afternoon.

State trooper Lt. Thomas Bates says motorists should expect delays on U.S. 72 and U.S. 43.

09-18-2010, 09:43 AM
The Trail of Tears should be remembered like we remember Pearl Harbor.
People forget what Andrew Jackson did to those poor people.

09-18-2010, 10:35 PM
The Trail of Tears should be remembered like we remember Pearl Harbor.
People forget what Andrew Jackson did to those poor people.

You are so right. They walked and died if they couldn't keep up. It was a terrible thing. My great grandmother was an Indian and it is so strange how genetics works because my son looks more Indian than many Indians I have seen.