View Full Version : What would you do?

09-05-2010, 08:48 PM
I trashpicked a couple of volumes of J. Fenimore Cooper, which were printed in 1891. I trashpicked them because of the illustrations. I belong to a site where people share public domain images. These images were printed before 1923 which makes them public domain. I was going to cut out the illustrations and scan them and upload them to Flickr.

The problem was, I checked ebay before cutting. There are volumes of the same series on ebay ranging from $8 to $23. They don't seem to be getting a lot of attention. I put them on my watch list to see what happens, though.

My question is, what would you do? Would you put them on ebay or say "the heck with that, I'm going to do what please me, which is to cut out the illustrations, scan them and
upload them"

I doubt that I could get even $8 a book, since the volumes don't seem to be selling on ebay. But you never know, I might have the right book at the right time for the right buyer and make a few dollars

Scanning the illustrations without removing them from the book wouldn't work. These are thick books and that would distort the images, the page wouldn't lay flat on the platen

Thanks in advance

09-05-2010, 08:52 PM
why not put them up on ebay and see if they sell, if they don't start clipping and scanning

09-05-2010, 08:53 PM
why not put them up on ebay and see if they sell, if they don't start clipping and scanning

That's too easy!

You are right, I should do that. I am too impaitent for my own good. I should put them on ebay, what if I am destroying a valueable book

PS Sorry about the misspellings I'm too lazy to go to dictionary.com and look them up

09-05-2010, 09:38 PM
Do you have any antique book dealers locally...May not hurt to stop and ask if they are worth anything..

Urban Cowgirl
09-06-2010, 07:01 AM
Well I'd say it depends on how bad you need the money. But it does seem a shame to destroy such and old book. I LOVE books and I can't even part with a childrens' book from the 50's !! LOL

09-06-2010, 07:06 AM
I agree, I couldn't tear up a book that old, I would keep it and take care of it.
Why do you feel the need to cut it out and upload it? Is it something that good, or is this something you enjoy doing?

I would watch how much those other ones sell on ebay first to kind of get an idea on the value, or start researching how much they would be worth.

09-06-2010, 07:22 AM
I couldn't tear up an old book even if the monetary value is zero. I love books, all books, any kind of book.

09-06-2010, 11:36 AM
Thanks everybody. You have to realize that the books were being thrown out. I trashpicked them. So they were going to the landfill. I do not care for J. Fenimore Cooper at all. His prose is so purple it goes into the ultraviolet. Now, if these were books by Mark Twain, I would definitely keep them. But I will contain my impatient self and put them on ebay

09-06-2010, 11:53 AM
I couldn't tear up an old book even if the monetary value is zero. I love books, all books, any kind of book.

I have trashpicked so many books, my husband has threatened to divorce me. I'll miss him ROFL
I hate to see books go to the landfill esp. when you can get some use out of them. Whether the use is reading, or crafts, I grab them. I have trashpicked books just to give them away on Freecycle. I can be a real granola-head

PS buglebe, I PM'd you

09-06-2010, 05:26 PM
Oh, I hate the thought of you destroying a book. Any book, but especially one that's been through so many years and still around. Books are treasures. I know you're going to do what you're gonna do... but I beg you anyways to please don't destroy them.

09-06-2010, 05:46 PM
Oh, I hate the thought of you destroying a book. Any book, but especially one that's been through so many years and still around. Books are treasures. I know you're going to do what you're gonna do... but I beg you anyways to please don't destroy them.

The books were being thrown out, they were heading to the landfill. Have you ever read "The Literary Sins of J. Fenimore Cooper" by Mark Twain? Its hilarious, Twain just takes Cooper apart. Yes I am going to do what I want to do of course. I will try ebay before I grab my scissors though

09-06-2010, 06:30 PM
Put them on Ebay as a lot, they will definetly sell before everyone elses books. And for quite a bit more.

09-06-2010, 08:09 PM
LMAO, you thought I was going to be evil, didn't you?

09-06-2010, 08:27 PM
Yes, I know they were headed to the landfill... but you rescued those treasures and saved them!

09-07-2010, 07:27 AM
try a local book dealer to maybe fetch a better price and save you the hassle of ebay auction, ship, etc.