View Full Version : matching clothes, not stripes with plaids

07-18-2010, 08:34 PM
I was taught that clothes should match with a solid top or bottom and then plaid or patterned to go with it but never patterned with plaid. My daughter and I were shopping for the grandkids and she put this outfit on my grandson that was made to go together and it was a plaid pair of shorts with a striped shirt. I hated it but she liked it and bought it. I have the kids this week and they don't know how to put their clothes together. They know how to match but they don't know the rule about no plaid pants with patterned top. Isn't that a rule anymore? I can see how the kids could be confused since we bought an outfit like that but I know my daughter knows better. The kids are 8 and 6. Shouldn't they know this rule by now? Is it just me or does it not matter anymore? It does matter to me and I have been teaching them the right but perhaps old fashioned way.

07-18-2010, 10:58 PM
I really don't think it matters anymore. But then, I am a dark grey or black kind of girl... so I'm probably not a good one to be answering lol.

07-19-2010, 06:34 AM
plaid and stripes together, hmmmm, I wouldn't do it for myself, but heck, have you seen what some of these kids wear, or think looks cool now-a-days? LOL

And no, I wouldn't buy it for my DS (almost 3), but my girls, that's another thing, their older so they pretty much pick out what all they want to wear, well, ya know, without looking like hoochie mommas or something LOL.

07-19-2010, 06:39 AM
Honestly, I have seen much worse.
My ex would wear plaid with polka dots: purple plaid shorts with a orange ploka dotted shirt. Knee tube socks with sandals

People wear what is comfortable to them anymore. And if they are ok with how they look... and everything is covered (main issue to me).. I do not care if they look like a geriatric golfer on acid.

As long as the pants cover the underwear, the top covers the tummy and chest: I am good

07-19-2010, 07:38 AM
Honestly, I have seen much worse.
My ex would wear plaid with polka dots: purple plaid shorts with a orange ploka dotted shirt. Knee tube socks with sandals

People wear what is comfortable to them anymore. And if they are ok with how they look... and everything is covered (main issue to me).. I do not care if they look like a geriatric golfer on acid.

As long as the pants cover the underwear, the top covers the tummy and chest: I am good

Is this the reason he is your ex? Sounds like a good enough reason to me. LOL! Some men are so cool and dress so well and others............well, 'nuff said.

07-19-2010, 09:43 AM
I like the old fashioned way of matching things. There are certain colors that I won't even wear together. My main pet peeve is that I hate to see saggy pants and underwear showing. It looks so silly. I don't understand the point of it. Do kids really think it looks cool?

07-19-2010, 11:29 AM
Have you seen the way a lot of kids dress today? Plaids and stripes is the least of their problem.

07-19-2010, 12:25 PM
I was taught the same thing...but I think that rule depends on the varying patterns. I have seen floral prints with a corresponding striped pattern and it looks absolutely gorgeous. My husband will wear a striped shirt with a pin-striped suit. And he definitely looks like he stepped out of the cover of GQ.

The rules have indeed changed. I think that mixing patterns can work if done tastefully. But...in the end...as long as people are clean and 'covered'...I have no problem with what anyone wears.

Urban Cowgirl
07-19-2010, 02:05 PM
It seems like I have been seeing a lot of patterns paired together....I like it, its kinda funky!

Of course I also love that the really tall converse boot sneakers are coming back! Yeah baby......paired with a skirt or dress, now THAT is funkalicious!

07-20-2010, 12:36 PM
Is this the reason he is your ex? Sounds like a good enough reason to me. LOL! Some men are so cool and dress so well and others............well, 'nuff said.

No. But is should have been a sign!

Joe.. he just thinks his ties go with EVERYTHING. He has some nice dress shirts, and believes whatever tie he grabs is fine. I cringed sometimes: but let him go off to work looking like he wants. Someone at work usually tells him.

07-20-2010, 06:13 PM
This is a trend. My son will pair a striped polo shirt with plaid shorts. I have seen the kids doing it for a couple years, so I am guessing it will be on its way out soon.

07-20-2010, 08:41 PM
This is a trend. My son will pair a striped polo shirt with plaid shorts. I have seen the kids doing it for a couple years, so I am guessing it will be on its way out soon.

Yes, true.
Just say you like it, and the child will change!

07-21-2010, 07:54 AM
Have you seen the way a lot of kids dress today? Plaids and stripes is the least of their problem.

I agree with you there. The worst thing is seeing their undies.

07-23-2010, 10:28 PM
This is a trend. My son will pair a striped polo shirt with plaid shorts. I have seen the kids doing it for a couple years, so I am guessing it will be on its way out soon.

I read this thread the other day and didn't give it a lot of thought...until I saw this very outfit. A young man was wearing a polo shirt with horizontal blue stripes over white, and his shorts were blue and white plaid. The blues were well-matched, and it didn't look bad. But I immediately thought about this quote! LOL :D

07-24-2010, 07:35 AM
That happened when Punkie Brewster was on TV.

No fashion sense.