View Full Version : Remember the Titans - 07/13/2010 07:30 PM EDT , VH1

07-15-2010, 06:21 AM

Synopsis:* A Virginia high school hires a black football coach after undergoing integration in 1971.

What did Gerry Bertier's mother do when her son made plans to play basketball with Julius Campbell?
Demanded he come to church with her

What did Emma Hoyt refuse to do for Gerry Bertier on the first day of school?
Shake hands with his friend Julius Campbell

What did Sheryl Yoast do to A.D. Watson after he informed Coach Yoast that Coach Boone would be taking over his job?
Kicked him in the shin

What did Coach Boone do for Coach Yoast after he came over to his house in the evening to discuss the school board's decision?
Asked him to stay on as a defensive coordinator

What did Coach Boone do to the coach who insulted him on camera and refused to share his team's films?
Tossed him a banana

What did Emma Hoyt do instead of going with Gerry Bertier to celebrate after the team's first win of the season?
Went with other friends to hang out

What did Coach Boone make the team do after he woke them up in the middle of the night with an air horn?
Run through the woods to Civil War graveyard

What did Coach Yoast tell Coach Boone that his secret offensive plays would do?
Fire up the team's imagination

What was Coach Boone's daughter Nicky doing before a brick smashed through the window into the living room?
Dressing up her dolls

What did Ronnie "Sunshine" Bass do to Gerry Bertier after he called him "a fruitcake"?
Pegged him with the ball from long distance

What did Gerry Bertier ask Julius Campbell to do that led to a fist fight in their dorm room?
Tear poster with political imagery from wall


11-24-2013, 07:08 AM

12-09-2013, 07:30 AM

12-09-2013, 09:51 AM
What did Louie Lastik do that made him so happy he gave Coach Boone a big hug in the locker room?
Passed all his classes

12-21-2013, 07:42 AM

12-22-2013, 06:53 AM