View Full Version : Malcolm in the Middle- Family Reunion

06-10-2010, 01:22 PM
What was Lois upset about when Francis and Piama came to hide in her room?
- Forgetting to bring nice shoes

What did children at the party do after Francis told them a scary story?
- Hid in cupboards with knives

Wht did Malcolm do when Walter was showing him Civl War memorabilia?
- Found a mistake in a book

What did Walter do when Francis came to assist him when he arrived at the reunion?
- Pulled him into a pool

What did Hal tell Claire he was doing in order to get out of going to the family reunion?
- Having foot surgery

What did Hal dream about doing the night before the birthday party?
- Seeing Jesus for psychiatic help

What did Walter do when Hal came to confront him about their relationship?
- Tickled him against a desk

What did Malcolm, Francis, Reese and Dewey do after Lois locked herself in a bathroom and cried?
- Ran a golf cart onto a dinner table

In a commercial, what happened as two men sat on a bench outside a university, receiving text messages from their wireless devices and chatting with one another?
- Their outfits quickly changed
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