View Full Version : need help ASAP

06-09-2010, 03:26 PM
I have 18 day old kittens and they picked up fleas from the mother we put frontline plus on the mom last night I 'm still seeing the fleas for some reason I was thinking about treating her again would this be a good idea I washed all my bedding treated the carpet the only way I know how been combing the kittens out 2 times a day with a really hot cup of water and putting Vaseline on the comb the fleas stick the comb and then I put them in the water
I 'm seriously thinking about giving them all baths I have some gentle cat and kitten shampoo I am wondering how safe it is and how safe it would be to give all them baths
plmk what I can do

06-09-2010, 04:07 PM
I don't know which is worse, being overrun with fleas or a bath but I would be hesitant to bathe a kitten that young. It seems like fleas can multiply in minutes.

06-09-2010, 04:07 PM
Can you call a vet and ask???

06-09-2010, 04:28 PM
I'd go with the combing for now. Give the flea treatment a day or so to kick in. We moved into a house with fleas in the carpet. It was horrible. We got one of those flea lights, the kind you plug in, and the fleas are attracted to the light, and they jump near it, land on a sticky pad, and die. It worked wonders!
I'd keep the whole cat family to one area, too. No sense in letting the buggers spread the party to the rest of your house. Hopefully in a room without carpet. A tiled laundry room would be the best.

06-09-2010, 06:11 PM
I have 18 day old kittens and they picked up fleas from the mother we put frontline plus on the mom last night I 'm still seeing the fleas for some reason I was thinking about treating her again would this be a good idea I washed all my bedding treated the carpet the only way I know how been combing the kittens out 2 times a day with a really hot cup of water and putting Vaseline on the comb the fleas stick the comb and then I put them in the water
I 'm seriously thinking about giving them all baths I have some gentle cat and kitten shampoo I am wondering how safe it is and how safe it would be to give all them baths
plmk what I can do

Try tanish earth it wont hurt the kittens but well kill the fleas jut watch ya dont use to much its a powder and i wouldnt want them to inhale it its great it can be ordered on line kills almost any kind of creppy crawley I so love kittys good luck with the babys

06-09-2010, 06:36 PM
dont treat the mom again or it can hurt her it will take a while for the fleas to die you shouldnt treat her again for a month. for the kittens bathe them every day for a while with dawn dish soap

06-09-2010, 06:45 PM
i washred my dog in dawn and it killed the fleas

06-09-2010, 06:56 PM
Try tanish earth it wont hurt the kittens but well kill the fleas jut watch ya dont use to much its a powder and i wouldnt want them to inhale it its great it can be ordered on line kills almost any kind of creppy crawley I so love kittys good luck with the babys

I googled tanish earth and I didn't get any kind of product that looked like what this could be. What is tanish earth?

06-09-2010, 07:24 PM
Try tanish earth it wont hurt the kittens but well kill the fleas jut watch ya dont use to much its a powder and i wouldnt want them to inhale it its great it can be ordered on line kills almost any kind of creppy crawley I so love kittys good luck with the babys

thank you :) I looked up tanish earth didn't see anything :( could you direct me to a website how much would you consider being too much

06-09-2010, 07:26 PM
dont treat the mom again or it can hurt her it will take a while for the fleas to die you shouldnt treat her again for a month. for the kittens bathe them every day for a while with dawn dish soap

thank you do you know how long it takes for the frontline plus to work 24 hrs 48 hrs ?

06-09-2010, 07:31 PM
also wanted to add I was looking up natural remedies to sprinkle on the carpet to get rid of the fleas and came across several that said I could use salt so I put some salt in the blender and sprinkled it over the carpet has anyone ever tried this method before was thinking of buying some borax but really afraid it might hurt the kittens

06-09-2010, 11:46 PM
it takes a while for the flea stuff to work but if the fleas get in your carpet they will get on the mother cat and the flea stuff will kill them. the borax is good but you have to lock the cats up away from where you put it then let it set for a couple of hours then vacumn really, treally good. dont let the cats on it until its vacumned really, really good. do not use any thing on the kittens but the dawn, we just found a baby kitten in the middle of the road where someone threw it out of the car and it is 2 to 4 weeks old and covered in fleas and the vet said not to use anything but the dawn. also did you check to make sure the stuff you put on the mother cat can be used if shes nurseing?

06-09-2010, 11:54 PM
it takes a while for the flea stuff to work but if the fleas get in your carpet they will get on the mother cat and the flea stuff will kill them. the borax is good but you have to lock the cats up away from where you put it then let it set for a couple of hours then vacumn really, treally good. dont let the cats on it until its vacumned really, really good. do not use any thing on the kittens but the dawn, we just found a baby kitten in the middle of the road where someone threw it out of the car and it is 2 to 4 weeks old and covered in fleas and the vet said not to use anything but the dawn. also did you check to make sure the stuff you put on the mother cat can be used if shes nurseing?

thank you I might use the borax I 'm not sure yet I 'll have to pick up some dawn and yes I did check with the frontline website and talked to someone they said frontline plus is safe for pregnant and nursing cats

06-10-2010, 01:03 AM
Good advice so far. I always send people to www.catoftheday.com They all have cats and the site has a discussion board. I am sure they have seen every problem. Good luck.

06-10-2010, 09:41 AM
My cats get a bath every month due to the fact that my ds I are allergic to cat dander. I use baby shampoo.

06-10-2010, 09:48 AM
sevin dust on the floor will work (away from the pets). Let it sit, and vacumm later

As for the kittens: baths will be the best: dawn is amazing.. you can bath mom as well:
but you better wear metal chain guards!

06-10-2010, 02:02 PM
DAWN is amazing when it comes to killing fleas and you can use it as much as you would like..I put it on the cats while they are dry and let it set a few mins then wet them and scrub them,Fleas on young kitens is very dangerous because of flea anemia..Make sure to check their gums if they are pink you are good if they go pale thats when you are running risk of losing the litter to anemia. I know you can give them baby vitamin drops to keep up the iron levels,one drop a day should do it.GOOD LUCk we adopted a kitten that was infested with those little buggers

06-10-2010, 03:13 PM
Dawn also raises money for the wildlife rescue and they sure need it now with the oil spill. Poor things.

06-10-2010, 07:54 PM
Something simple to do also is to make your own flea trap....Take a glass pie dish or something similar..add water and a good squirt of the dawn dish soap...place on floor and then position a small lamp next to it..Then turn off all lights in the room, except the small lamp...The fleas will be attracted to the light and fall into the soap water and perish...

Also remember the fleas eggs hatch in about 7 days..So the fleas you kill today may have laid eggs that will hatch out in a week..so you need to retreat the room and bedding to catch the newbies...