View Full Version : South Park- Erection Day

06-08-2010, 11:38 PM
What did Butters do on stage during the talent show?
- Forgot teh words to his song before running off

What did Cartman tell Jimmy to do in order to be with a woman?
- Make her think he is a good listener

What did Cartman do on stage during the talent show?
- Performed an accurate reading from a movie

What did Jimmy do in school after saying he loved performing in front of people?
- Ran to the bathroom to splash water on his face

What did Jimmy tell the prostitute's manager that Martha Stewart learned to do in prison?
- Bake cakes with keys inside them

What did Dr. Pal ask Jimmy if he wanted to do with him before tellinghim to handle his own problems?
- Take off their shirts and kiss each other

What did Jimmy try to do after his prostitute was intially taken by her manager?
- Pull her into his taxi with his crutch

What did a prostitute tell Jimmy she had done recently during their meal?
- Come down with an infected bladder

08-03-2010, 11:27 PM
repeat at 8 pm

02-03-2011, 05:53 PM
repeat at 8 pm