View Full Version : Smallville- Metallo

06-05-2010, 11:10 AM
What did John do while he was reporting a story on "The Blur" that led to him getting seriously injured?
- Stepped into a road to retrieve a photo of Becca

What was Tess doing when Lois walked into her office to talk about the Daily Planet?
- Hitting a punching bag repeatedly with a stick

What did Jogn tell Lois he was doing regarding "The Blur" after Lois ran into him in the newsroom?
- Searching for stories in the archive about his origin

What did Stuart show Tess regarding Zod, after she criticized him for not knocking before entering her office?
- Strange symbols around the world from the night that he arrized
-- WRONG Averatec

What did Dr. Hamilton tell Clark that John did while he was at the hostipal?
- Left behind a set of keys

What did Lois tell Choe "The Blur" did, ast they talked in Chloe's apartment?
- Communicated with her to give her leads and to chat

What did Lois do when at Clark's farm while he was away, before John called her to say he was reporting on a story about "The Blur"?
- Hugged Shelby and noticed that her food bowl was full

What did Clark tell Chle that Dr. Hamilton did regarding John to help Clark fight John?
- Provided an electromagnetic pulse grenade to stun him

What did Clark do during his fight with John that led to the meteor rock's removal from his body?
- Heated up a scrap of lead with his eyes

What did Dr. Hamilton tell John that a meteor rock was doing to him as they talked in a hospital?
- Keeping him alive

In a promotional ad, for a show called "Hellcats" what happened?
- Cheerleaders and athletes lived together

06-05-2010, 02:03 PM
What did Clark tell Lois he needed to do when he returned to The Daily Planet after an absence?
Take his nameplate back

What type of monitor was on Clark's desk after he told Lois he needed to take his nameplate back?