View Full Version : Law & Order: Special Victims Unit - Lunacy

05-31-2010, 03:20 PM
What did Stabler do when he showed up a Dick Finley's hotel to arrest him for murder?
Punched him while he was down

What did Mrs. De Pablo tell Benson and Stabler her husband Edward De Pablo had been doing all weekend long when they asked for his alibi?
Lying on the couch complaining about his head

What did Anton Thibodeaux do as he was leaving the police station after being interrogated?
Attacked another suspect in the case

What did a fan of Marga Janssen named Anton Thibodeaux tell Benson and Stabler he did to make contact with her?
Wrote her handwritten letters

What did Stabler tell Benson he did when he was in high school in order to meet his hero an astronaut Dick Finley?
Bribed a fellow student to pick him up from the airport

What did Stabler tell his son was the reason he never tried to become an astronaut by training as a fighter pilot?
Wanted to start a family

What was a man doing with his girlfriend before she discovered Marga Janssen's dead body floating in the river?
Proposing to her on bended knee

What did Benson and Stabler discover people were doing when they rushed onto a rooftop thinking a crime was taking place?
Filming an amateur movie

What did suspect Orlando McTier tell Benson and Stabler he was doing during the time when Marga Janssen was killed?
Visiting his father in Philadelphia

What did Marga Janssen's girlfriend tell Benson and Stabler she did with Marga Janssen before she was killed?
Argued about a weekend trip

05-31-2010, 04:46 PM
What did suspect Orlando McTier tell Benson and Stabler he was doing during the time when Marga Janssen was killed?
Visiting his father in Philadelphia

What did Marga Janssen's girlfriend tell Benson and Stabler she did with Marga Janssen before she was killed?
Argued about a weekend trip

10-06-2010, 01:39 PM

09-02-2013, 02:54 AM