View Full Version : Malcolm in the Middle- Francis Escapes

05-20-2010, 11:58 AM
What did Malcolm find BeeBee doing when he gave her Francis' note?
- Shoptlifting at a convenience store

What did Malcolm and Reese do to Dewey that led to Lois punishing them?
- Convinced him there was a monter under the bed

What did Francis do after Stanley caught him using the phone after his privileges were revoked?
- Hitched rides with a broken thumb

What did Francis ask Malcolm to do for him in addition to delevering a note to BeeBee?
- Bring him some much needed food

What did Malcolm ask Francis to do as Francis left to head back to school?
- Hit him once to get even

What did Francis ask BeeBee to do before she broke up with him?
- Avoid looking at him, since he was dirty

What did Dewey tell Malcolm he did after dinner?
- Heard him talking to someone out back

What did Malcolm complain to Lois did everyday over breakfast?
- Asked him the same annoying question