View Full Version : 24 Day 8 Episode 22

05-17-2010, 11:35 PM
1:00 PM - 2:00 PM

Jack remains determined to uncover the truth; President Logan is face with a formidable foe.

What did Meredith Reed to regarding Dalia before a group of agents arrested her in a hotel lobby?
- Called and gave her a number to write down

What did Jack do regarding one of Novakovich's men, after he ambushed him in a parking lot?
- Demanded that he turn over a key card

What did Eden tell Jason over the phone that Jack had done regarding Pres. Logan and his guards, after Jason angrily asked how the secret service allowed him to be captured?
- Incapacitated them with tear gas

What did Jim do for Jack, before Jack thanked him and told him to erase all of his connections to him?
-Sent him a satellite map of Pres. Logan's location

What did Pres. Taylor do in her office regarding Tim, before Jack parked an SUV in an alley and unloaded a bag from the back of it?
- Reprimanded him for questioning her orders
-- Ford

What did Jack tell Pres. Logan, when he captured and interrogated him, that he found out he had done regarding Pavel?
- Called him right before he died

What did Chloe tell Chloe, after she secured a temporary release for him, that she found out that Jim was doing?
- Living under an alias name
-- Sprint

What did Pres. Logan tell Pres. Taylor, during a private meeting in her office, that she needed to do regarding Meredith Reed?
- Call her publisher and order them to suppress a story

What did Jack do after he listned in on a call between Pres. Suvarov and an injured Pres. Logan?
- Left a patch of his blood on the wall he was leaning on

What did Pres. Logan's driver doing when Jack ambushed them and opened fire?
- Pulling into an underground tunnel

In a movie commerical, what did Angelina Jolie do as a government agent?
- Fought assailants and avoided capture after being accused of being a spy
-- Salt

In a commercial, what happened in an animated scene inside a store, before a payment card was used at a register by a woman who was shopping with her daughter?
- Toys tried to save their friends from getting purchased....
-- VIsa
--- Is an easier way to pay

In a commercial, what happened to men that illustrated the effect of a certain razor on the skin, before the razor was demonstrated?
- WRONG Water poured onto their faces...

In a commercial, what did a representative of a wireless company do as soft music played, while he discussed how confident he was in the improvements they were making?
- WRONG Climbed up marble stairs which led to the rooftop of a glass building
-- Sprint

05-18-2010, 09:59 AM
What kind of taxi did Jack shoot at...?

What did Jim interrupt one of Jason's men doing regarding Jack, During a scene from a previous episode, before Jack approached Meredith Reed and pulled her to safety?
Targeting him with a rifle while hiding in a heating duct