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05-04-2010, 11:59 AM
What did Cutter do that made Mr. Margolis question the source of some evidence?
Produced a surveillance photograph

What did Mr. Margolis accuse Bernard of doing during a cross-examination in the trial about Jim's Web site?
Failing to pay child support

What did Kerry do, while being interrogated by Van Buren, that led to her arrest?
Lied about losing a daughter

What did Bernard testify Mr. Keegan had done to encourage Kerry?
Cracked the security code of a building

What was Cutter doing with Rubirosa and McCoy before McCoy wished him good luck on a case?
Discussing strategy following a ruling

What did Lupo and Bernard discover Sid had done, After using the Internet to search for information?
Changed his name and appearance

What kind of car were Lupo and Bernard investigating before they discovered Sid had changed his name and appearance?

What did Kerry do while undergoing a psychiatric evaluation under police custody?
Admitted to taking the law into her own hands

What did Rubirosa tell Lupo and Bernard to do, regarding Kerry, after they presented her with information from Jim?
Arrest her for the murder

What did Rebeccas do while testifying in front of Judge Gerard about her experiences with a Web site?
Complained about harassing calls

What did Sid do while confronting the DJ at his lingerie photo shoot?
Threw him and everyone else off of the set

10-01-2010, 11:28 AM

10-11-2010, 11:04 PM