View Full Version : full moon horoscope anyone? April 28th

04-27-2010, 10:58 AM
http://horoscopes.aol.com/astrology/full-moon-scorpio-horoscopes?icid=main|htmlws-main-n|dl9|link3|http%3A%2F%2Fhoroscopes.aol.com%2Fastr ology%2Ffull-moon-scorpio-horoscopes

Full Moon in Scorpio Horoscopes
Feel the passionate pull of this April 28 event
By Simone Butler
Provided by Tarot.com

How do YOU Love?

The Moon has everything to say about the way you think, the way you feel -- and the way you love. Find out more about your unique style of love and relationships with a FREE sample chapter of your custom Personal Moon Report!

Start My FREE Sample Report The Scorpio/Taurus Full Moon, of which we will start to feel the effects on the evening of April 27, is a powder keg, triggering strong emotions. Tempers could flare as the Sun and Moon trigger stubborn Mercury in Taurus and feisty Mars in Leo. Words carry tremendous power now to heal or hurt, unite or divide. Impatience is likely, and impulsive purchases, flirtations or jealousy can get you in hot water. Keep a cool head at this Full Moon, and find a healthy outlet for your passions. What might that look like for you?

Aries (March 21 - April 19)
Financial issues are on the front burner at this Full Moon, Aries. You have the opportunity to make more money by finding ways to combine your wits and energy in creative ways. Be especially gentle, though, with a child or romantic partner who may feel threatened if your enthusiasm or frustration gets out of hand. Combining resources with a partner can double your efforts -- but avoid fighting about money right now.

Taurus (April 20 - May 20)
A family matter or domestic improvement could trigger a heated debate between you and a partner at this Full Moon, Taurus. Your famous stubbornness is less effective now than your equally famous charm, as you're called upon to be the voice of reason and calm someone's fears -- especially those of a financial or sexual nature. The key is to join forces rather than work against each other -- doing so will reap magical results over time.

Gemini (May 21 - June 20)
It's easy to get angry or despondent over your work situation at this Full Moon, Gemini. That is, until you grab the bull by the horns and take that exceedingly bright idea that just came to you and write it down, get feedback on it, or implement it over the next few weeks. Research or a compelling dream can show you how to leap over the flames of fear and land in greener pastures. Journal your frustrations and don't do anything rash!

Cancer (June 21 - July 22)
Reconnecting with old friends or cultivating your online community can have a big payoff -- even financial -- for you at this Full Moon, Cancer. Crawl out of your shell and make the circuit now. A party or networking event you attend is apt to be rewarding. Just be sure to allow for differences of opinion with those you meet, and don't be put off by others' perplexing behavior. Trust your instincts -- they're especially strong now.

Leo (July 23 - August 22)
You're scrambling to meet a work deadline, satisfy family demands and find some time for yourself at this Full Moon, Leo. This impossible scenario could easily make you fussy. The work thing, which probably involves a stubborn boss, will take another few weeks to resolve, so don't push the river. Your desire to make something happen at home or with family also requires patience. Do something active and fun, to blow off steam.

Virgo (August 23 - September 22)
You're feeling nostalgic for places and people you love at this Full Moon, Virgo. A trip down memory lane -- perhaps literally -- may be in order now. Set aside fearful thoughts and reconnect with books and other teachings that have inspired you in the past. Your Mercury ruler is still in retrograde, and its involvement in this Full Moon could stir up past frustrations or anger. Focus on tying up loose ends and allow yourself to chill.

Libra (September 23 - October 22)
You and a partner are trying to balance your financial responsibilities at this Full Moon, Libra. Contracting out of fear or blaming each other only backfires, but generosity and faith take you far. The key is to find a common goal or higher purpose that connects and motivates you both. You may need to renegotiate a financial arrangement, sell off stock or cut your losses to prepare for the new. Remember: gratitude is the key to wealth.

Scorpio (October 23 - November 21)
Your passions and emotions are apparent for all to see at this Full Moon in your sign, Scorpio. A practical partner or comrade is there to help ground you -- push this person away. And, try not to take things personally now, especially with home and family matters. Go on a cleaning rampage, hike to the top of a mountain or channel your intense energy into having great sex rather than taking out your frustrations on significant others.

Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21)
You're inclined to say what you think at this Full Moon, Sagittarius -- make sure you count to ten first, or a co-worker is liable to take offense. Lots of random stuff is bubbling up from your subconscious mind; certain ideas can be useful for improving your health or immediate environment, while old frustrations are best let go of. Going back to what worked in the past is the best way to get work and health matters back up to snuff.

Capricorn (December 22 - January 19)
Your love life intensifies at this Full Moon, Capricorn -- at least in your own mind! It's important to stay present and deal with what's real, rather than reacting to old fears or letting an overly emotional friend influence you. The good news is, you're full of solid creative ideas now, and acting on them should have a beneficial effect on your bank account. No need to rush things though; let them unfold slowly over the next few weeks.

Aquarius (January 20 - February 18)
The "sensible one" in your family has definite ideas now about how things should be done at home. Your challenge at this Full Moon, Aquarius, is to stay cool on both the domestic and work front, and let others do whatever they insist on doing without contesting it. This may be particularly hard with a boss who's engaging in power plays or other surreptitious behavior. Get things off your chest with a good friend if that helps.

Pisces (February 19 - March 20)
A hair-trigger situation at work is apt to be building at this Full Moon, Pisces. You're the voice of reason, reminding everyone of what happened in the past and how you can do it better this time by joining forces. You may fear you are going too far by saying what you really think, but people will appreciate it. And, it will get the stalled wheels of progress moving. Still, it may take another few weeks to arrive at results.