View Full Version : kindle?

04-21-2010, 03:22 PM
For some of you who have a Kindle, I have some questions. Do all the books you buy stay in the kindle, so how many will it hold? Can you be reading 2 books from the same kindle at one time?

If you buy a book, can you put it on more than one kindle? or do you download it only once over the computer?


04-22-2010, 06:12 AM

It looks like this one can hold up 1500 books.
I don't have one so I can't really answer your questions but this link above might help you out some.

04-22-2010, 08:45 AM
BEST ELECTRONIC TOY EVER!!! (Accept for maybe the IPad...I'm itching for that one.)

All the books you buy can stay on the Kindle...it holds up to 1,500 books...however, it is just easier if you 'archive' them after you have read them. (Imagine scrolling through a list of even 100 books..) Amazon stores them. What that really means is that Amazon has a record of the books you have downloaded so you can reload them any time you want to reread them.

You can attach up to 5 devices to your account at a time. For example, I have my Kindle AND my husband's IPod Touch (there's an app for that) registered to my Amazon Account. And any books we purchase can be downloaded to either or both devices.

You can read several books at a time...I do it all the time. I usually have the 'fiction' book I am reading, plus a daily devotional, plus the Bible.

One glitch with the Kindle is that you technically can't 'share' books you have purchased with someone else's Kindle...but I've even found a way around that. It is a little convoluted, but you just remove the Kindle from the 'home' account (under which it is registered when you purchase it). Then you re-register it until someone else's account just for the length of time necessary to download any of the books they have purchased. Then you remove it from that account and re-register it to it's home account. Depending on how many books you are downloading, it can take anywhere from 5 minutes to a couple of hours to complete everything. I just downloaded over 40 books to my DIL's Kindle and it took over 2 hours for them all to download.

The cool thing about it is that you don't lose any books you already had on your Kindle...and if you are in the middle of a book, it's still there bookmarked where you left off. The down side...if you do archive a book that you downloaded from someone else's account...it will be gone for good unless you re-register it on that other account again.

As for downloading books...you can do it from Amazon via your computer internet...or you can do it directly from your Kindle. Kindle's are linked via 'Whispernet' which is a Sprint service. Every Kindle has a wireless connection with which you can surf the internet. It is a free service that Amazon provides to all Kindles. (To save on the battery, I only turn on the wireless when I am downloading a book, etc.) There is actually a direct Amazon bookmark on the Kindle. So, say you finished a book while on vacation...you don't have to wait to get to a computer to download another book...you can search the Kindle store from your Kindle. When you set up your Amazon account, you set up a debit or credit card on your account so you can purchase a book with 'one click'. Within 60 seconds, the book will be delivered to your Kindle for reading. Very easy...(too easy when you are a reading fanatic like I am.)

Note...that wireless connection allows you to do just about anything, i.e., checking e-mail, confirming airline reservations, etc. However, it is rather slow and cumbersome so I would never consider it a replacement to a computer or even my Blackberry.

I hope that helps...feel free to ask me any more questions. I heart my Kindle!!!

04-22-2010, 09:31 AM
Not being a gadgety person (no offense intended, Kelsey1224), I think I will continue to support my local library.

04-22-2010, 01:48 PM
Not being a gadgety person (no offense intended, Kelsey1224), I think I will continue to support my local library.

I'm not offended at all. I used to always get my books from the local library. It's just that I commute to work and lugging around a book can be quite cumbersome.

I happen to think that our free public lending libraries are one of the wonderful things that is available to us as citizens! Just think...you can walk into a library, provide them with a little bit of information...and they will let you take a bunch of books to borrow...for free!! How amazing is that?

04-22-2010, 07:11 PM
I'm not offended at all. I used to always get my books from the local library. It's just that I commute to work and lugging around a book can be quite cumbersome.

I happen to think that our free public lending libraries are one of the wonderful things that is available to us as citizens! Just think...you can walk into a library, provide them with a little bit of information...and they will let you take a bunch of books to borrow...for free!! How amazing is that?

And I don't have to learn something new! I admit, I do fight technology. But we're fine with our landline, regular DVD player, using a VCR, etc. We only recently got high def TV's. I imagine we'll 'fit in' as we need to. :)

And I am grateful for our library!! I love to read and have all kinds of time to do so.

04-23-2010, 05:35 PM
Kindle is the coolest money I've ever spent, it's worth every cent. Amazon offers so many free books, it's wonderful. My library sucks so I'm grateful to have this device.

04-23-2010, 09:08 PM
I was hoping they would eventually fill up and people would have to sell them. But holding that many books they probably last most people more than a lifetime.

04-23-2010, 09:09 PM
Kindle is the coolest money I've ever spent, it's worth every cent. Amazon offers so many free books, it's wonderful. My library sucks so I'm grateful to have this device.

What kind of free books does Amazon offer? They are all for the kindle? How do you find them? I would like to see a list. Maybe it would be enough to convince me to buy one. I would like to have one already but I though most books were about $9 and I usually get my books cheaper than that.

04-23-2010, 10:03 PM
B, I had the same question. I was wondering about free titles. I am wishing on a star for the iPad for my birthday...not likely, but maybe if I leave DH and find a rich guy before my June b-day????

04-25-2010, 02:26 PM
On the Amazon site...there is a column on the left side of the page where you can scroll down and pick your shopping interests. Under "Kindle Books" there is a bargain's link. That is where you will find the free books. Plus, when you set up your account at Amazon (to purchase the books), you need to provide your e-mail. Amazon won't sent you any e-mails unless you check that option...and when free books become available, they send you an e-mail about it.

For example...Random House made available about 12+ trashy romance novels for free. Some were a little pornographic for my personal taste (LOL)...but they were free!! Plus, there were several sci-fi books offered for free. Now...each one was the first book in a series so it was good marketing...but nothing says you have to read any of the others.

There are several non-Amazon sites which offer books for free. Mobibooks is one of them. I also purchased several entire collections from Amazon for very cheap. I got both the entire "Anne of Green Gables" collection and Louisa May Alcott collection for $2.99 each.

Lastly...there is no way to fill your Kindle to capacity. While it holds approximately 1,500 books...you can 'archive' the books once you have read them. That takes them off your actual device (saving space). They are warehoused by Amazon. All that really means is that Amazon keeps a record of which books you have ordered so you can reload them whenever you want to read them again.

04-25-2010, 03:10 PM
If you have an iphone, you can download a kindle onto it and then download books. Multi-tasking strikes again!

04-26-2010, 08:05 AM
this sounds like something I would like....I only have landline....we can not get dsl...so will it be really slow to get downloaded

04-26-2010, 02:50 PM
Amazon offers new free books every week, I have found some wonderful authors that way. Sometimes they offer the first part in a trilogy free, and if you like it you buy the next two books. You actually download via the sprint network tracyb so it's very fast. Your kindle connects to the network for free (it's called whispernet) and downloads via that signal.

04-27-2010, 09:03 AM
"this sounds like something I would like....I only have landline....we can not get dsl...so will it be really slow to get downloaded "

Books are not downloaded to the Kindle via a computer. Books can be ordered via a computer...but they are downloaded via the "Whispernet" wireless connection (Sprint). Amazon pays for the service...you just need to turn on the wireless connection on your Kindle...and the book will show up within around 1 minute. This is basically the same way that your cell phone works.

04-28-2010, 10:19 AM
Thank you...so do we need cell phone service to get this too....we do not get cell here....a price to live a peaceful life...lol....

04-28-2010, 10:33 AM
Thank you...so do we need cell phone service to get this too....we do not get cell here....a price to live a peaceful life...lol....

You don't need a cell phone...but there needs to be wireless service in your area. The Kindle has the wireless connection built into it. You can turn it on and off. (I keep my off unless I'm using it to download a book because the battery last longer when the wireless connection is turned off.)

Things are sent over the Sprint "Whispernet Wireless connection" and it is free to you. Amazon apparently covers that cost.

If Sprint isn't in your area, I don't know if it still works. I just know that when I purchased the book, we received an e-mail telling us that it was shipped. The e-mail also stated that we could download books at any time and they would be on the Kindle when it arrived at my house. So, I did and they were!

Somewhere in the 'shipping cosmos', my Kindle received the books I downloaded to it. I think it's magic.

04-29-2010, 06:13 AM
we have cell phones but just can not get service here at my home........I hope they get more towers in so we all can get home service.....heck we can only get it in very few spots in my town....lol.....we need to get the older people out of office and get younger ones in and get this town updated....lol.....Thank you Kelsey for all the helpful information you gave me.

04-29-2010, 07:55 AM
Thank you Kelsey for all the helpful information you gave me.

You are welcome. I really love my Kindle and, if one is a prolific reader, I think it's the only way to go now.