View Full Version : hoping for pregnancy

03-30-2010, 03:43 PM
Goodness no , not me. But my question is, did any of you give up hoping for pregnancy and then get pregnant? My ds and wife have wanted a child for 7 yrs, nothing can be found wrong with either but still no baby. They won't go with fertility drugs because they don't want to chance multiples or the health concerns. She is 40. He is 37.

03-30-2010, 04:21 PM
I've heard that happen but I wouldn't count on it --I do knowquite a few people who used fertility drugs and did not have multiples -- don't know what the stats are on that but it might not be as bad as they think and there are diets etc that are supposed to help with infertility -- I wish them luck

03-30-2010, 05:47 PM
Yep, we hoped and hoped for years, finally gave up and adopted our DD. Three years later, we applied again, hoping for a boy....and we got one. By natural birth. Just goes to show you, you never know.

03-30-2010, 06:28 PM
I dont personally know anyone that this has happened to(or maybe it just wasnt any of my business) but I think it has to do with stress. Your trying so hard and begin having sex just for the fact of trying for a baby and then when you just give up and stop trying so hard your not so stressed/sad/aggravated and the romance comes back therefore it happens. Its hard to tell people to stop trying though they dont listen.

I truely believe everything happens for a reason and your son and his wife will have a baby when/if its meant to be. I know a couple whove tried for 3 years and nothings wrong with either of them but their relationship is rather weird and not sure why their in it lol and IMO thats why she hasnt got pregnant but hey its JMO

03-30-2010, 08:27 PM
It happened to me.I tryed for 5 and a half years.I sort of gave up on ever having a baby.it was still in the back of my mind but I got to the point that I just left it in Gods hands.

03-31-2010, 03:27 PM
It took me awhile to get pregnant with my DS. I found a book called "Understanding Your Fertility" and that book really helped me understand EVERYTHING. It also helps you chart your cycles and after a few months of charting, I was pregnant!

Urban Cowgirl
04-01-2010, 12:14 PM
Yep....I miscarried my first and it was devastating. So after many tests (I needed due to the problems with my first pregnancy) I finally got the clearance to try again. In the beginning I would cry and cry every month when my cycle came. Getting pregnant was on my mind 24/7 , I was obsessed with it and really stressed myself out over it. After almost a year, I decided screw it, this is no way to live. If its meant to happen it will. Guess what, a couple months later I was pregnant.

after trying for such a long time I imagine it must be heart breaking for them. I hope they get their baby!