View Full Version : Dilemma with neighbors...what to do??

12-30-2009, 07:08 PM
We have lived in out new house now for about 4 months. I have never met the neighbors but hubby has. They have this huge fence up around the house so it is hard to walk over and just say hi.

The problem, everytime they leave they have this dog(weiner dog) who barks and barks and barks...at what I have no idea...probably for them to let him in ...It is 9:00pm and that damn dog has been barking for hours....

This is a daily thing. It makes me mad, hubby said it doesnt bother him. I told him he needs to say something to the neighbors or I will call and complain about the barking dog.

he said I am wrong, and looking to just piss off the neighbors...

What do you think I should do??????

12-30-2009, 07:10 PM
throw him over a piece of meat over the fence LOL


12-30-2009, 07:15 PM
Well, never knowing how neighbors are its probably best to not say anything. Such a big fence tells me they're not people people kwim.

12-30-2009, 07:28 PM
I had neighbors that would leave their dog outside when they left and it would bark all day long-non stop-seriously. I finally had enough and went over to politely talk to them. Turns out they had no idea that the dog was barking when they left! If they were home, the dog would not bark. They stopped leaving the dog outside when they were not home and the dog was fine. It just didnt like being left outside alone.

You do have to be careful nowdays though. People get set off by any little thing it seems like. Do you have any local ordinances about barking dogs? Maybe call the local police dept non emergency number and ask them to help. Or animal control.

12-30-2009, 08:34 PM
Is there any way that you could slip an anonymous note in the mailbox or something? That would keep your contact with them to a minimum and I wouldn't even tell my dh...I'd just do it :)

12-30-2009, 08:43 PM
Is there any way that you could slip an anonymous note in the mailbox or something? That would keep your contact with them to a minimum and I wouldn't even tell my dh...I'd just do it :)

great idea! :)

12-30-2009, 08:56 PM
Is there any way that you could slip an anonymous note in the mailbox or something? That would keep your contact with them to a minimum and I wouldn't even tell my dh...I'd just do it :)

that would work except we are their only neighbor....we live out in the boonies so neighbors are far and few between...we happen to be the only 2 on our street...lucky me!

12-30-2009, 08:57 PM
Buy the dog a toy or something like a kong and give it to him dogs usually won't bark if they have something to do....

12-30-2009, 10:07 PM
I'd talk to them about it and see if it stops. If not then I'd check into ordinances to see if there are any against barking dogs and see what can be done about it. It would drive me crazy and I wouldn't put up with it.

12-30-2009, 10:29 PM
since its obvious you cant be anonymous, go by sometime when you see that they are home, and be so polite and welcome them to the neighborhood and perhaps take cookies or something, and say nice things about their house, etc,.... but oh by the way i'm not sure if you know this but your cute little dog barks all day while you are gone.

you can get more flies with honey!!

good luck! :)

12-31-2009, 12:55 AM
I agree with the suggestions people made, and talk to them in a respectful manner. I always wished my neighbors would of said something when we had our jack russell, who had separation anxiety. We didn't know he was such a big barker when we left, until we gave the dog up for adoption(for other reasons). Then the neighbors mention about the dog being loud. I told them in the first place to tell me if our dogs bother them. I would rather of known than not know at all.

12-31-2009, 06:08 AM
Thanks for the ideas...I guess I will have to try and catch them outside...the fence is so big you cant walk up to the house...it is like 6 ft high and almost 4 arces total property size...(like a compound).

Will let ya know if anything happens...

12-31-2009, 07:17 AM

12-31-2009, 09:19 AM
I agree with the others, they probably don't even know their dogs barks when they are gone. :agree And yes, be as respectful as can be (not that I thought you wouldn't) as people tend to get very defensive when told negative things. Good luck.

12-31-2009, 10:31 AM
Call animal control and ask if there are laws against leaving a dog outside all day. There are in Orange County since it gets so hot during the summer (heck summer, winter, fall, spring). I would just go over there and ask them to put the dog inside since it barks all the time. Like another poster they might not know the dog barks like that. I had a neighbor that his doxie would bark hysterically for hours on end when he was not home. I finally told him to shut the dog up and he was surprised, he had no idea the dog barked like that.

12-31-2009, 10:44 AM
Call animal control and ask if there are laws against leaving a dog outside all day. There are in Orange County since it gets so hot during the summer (heck summer, winter, fall, spring). I would just go over there and ask them to put the dog inside since it barks all the time. Like another poster they might not know the dog barks like that. I had a neighbor that his doxie would bark hysterically for hours on end when he was not home. I finally told him to shut the dog up and he was surprised, he had no idea the dog barked like that.

the problem is getting over there because of the fence...and if you dont see them outside in the backyard you never see them in person...

12-31-2009, 12:30 PM
Don't they have a driveway or a gate that can be opened to get to the house.

12-31-2009, 12:38 PM
Don't they have a driveway or a gate that can be opened to get to the house.

nope HUGE chainlink fence all the way around....remote access for gate

12-31-2009, 01:18 PM
Stick a note on their mail box. Don't put it in the mail box since that is a Federal Crime. Just let them know their poor little dog is barking up a blue streak and could they possibly leave him inside when they are not home. If he is not house broken that is their problem.

12-31-2009, 02:24 PM
I have had several dachshunds and they are not meant to be outside dogs, they are very sociable family orientated/owner orientated. None of my dachshunds has never been left along for more then 6 hours, I could not imagine sticking him outside all day, I imagine he would be having a fit. I would def approach your neighbor in a respectful manner and express yourself out of concern, such as, "I was worried about your dog, he was barking like he was in distress." The non-confrontational way is the best way to do this as to not alienate your neighbor

12-31-2009, 02:37 PM
I have had several dachshunds and they are not meant to be outside dogs, they are very sociable family orientated/owner orientated. None of my dachshunds has never been left along for more then 6 hours, I could not imagine sticking him outside all day, I imagine he would be having a fit. I would def approach your neighbor in a respectful manner and express yourself out of concern, such as, "I was worried about your dog, he was barking like he was in distress." The non-confrontational way is the best way to do this as to not alienate your neighbor

All I could think of was weiner dog...I was trying to think of dachshund...lol
Hope I didnt offend you...

12-31-2009, 04:02 PM
All I could think of was weiner dog...I was trying to think of dachshund...lol
Hope I didnt offend you...

Oh no you didnt, the hardest part of having a dachshund besides potty training one is learning how to SPELL dachshund.

12-31-2009, 07:22 PM
Buy the dog a toy or something like a kong and give it to him dogs usually won't bark if they have something to do....

That's a pretty good idea, but I'll add to that... get the dog a kong (my dogs love them) and some treats and put it in their mailbox with a "howdy neighbor" note. I wouldn't say anything about the dog barking, but this may keep the dog happy AND help break the ice a bit for you guys to meet.

01-01-2010, 12:01 AM
I'll trade you your neighbor with the one doxie for my new one with 5 Min Pins....I find it crazy I live on 60 acres and have to now listen to barking ,yippy, yappy pesty little dogs. The new neighbor thinks they are so cute......Ugggg...How annoying..Glad they are only renters...Every time I see an ad with a cheap house for sale I take it to them...Hint Hint.....

I agree with others, as to letting these folks know about the barking situation...Maybe even record it as proof...Not fair to you to have to hear this..and the dog also to be left out such periods of time...

01-01-2010, 01:08 AM
My neighbor told me about a month ago that my little boy barks constantly after I leave so I told her I was sorry and I would go buy him a little muzzle and try to teach him to stop doing it, well she beged me to please don't muzzle him that it really isn't that bad and she didn't want me to do that to him.
So now I just lock him in the other room if I'm going to be gone a long time and I have been working with him when I'm home to get him to ignore the other "loud" dogs that live around here that he likes to bark at.
So this is a time when just talking to your neighbors worked. I'm glad she told me instead of the police though.