View Full Version : Stossel in the Classroom DVD: 2010 Edition

Jolie Rouge
10-19-2009, 07:50 AM
Stossel in the Classroom DVD: 2010 Edition

This 55-minute DVD includes eight video segments on different topics.

Use John Stossel's 20/20 segments—specially selected by John for your classroom—to spark thoughtful, engaging, curriculum-driven class discussions. Here's what you get free with the 2010 STOSSEL IN THE CLASSROOM program:

• FREE 55-minute DVD, which includes eight segments from 20/20, chosen and edited specifically for the classroom. In the 2010 Edition DVD are:

Vote or Die: Should everyone who is eligible to vote, vote? Does it matter if voters are uninformed? What are the ramifications of uninformed voters? This segment looks at the idea that all eligible voters should vote regardless of their knowledge.

Magic Politician/"Rinkonomics": Who do we vote for? Why? This segment takes a look at some of the promises politicians make, and what we expect from our elected officials.

Rebuilding New Orleans: Private vs. Public: What's happened in New Orleans since Hurricane Katrina? How much of the city has been rebuilt? This segment looks at public and private efforts to rebuild the city ravaged by Hurricane Katrina.

Campaign Finance: Is there too much money in politics? Have campaign finance reforms helped? This segment looks at campaign finance laws, and how they have affected political campaigns and citizen participation in the political process.

Farm Subsidies: Do farmers need money from the government just to survive? When the government helps farmers, are they helping us, too? What would happen to the food supply if some farms went out of business?

Middle Class: Is the middle class really disappearing in America? Each day, we are confronted with reports about how middle class people are struggling to make ends meet, and how opportunities are dwindling. Is this gloom and doom true, or just a perception? This segment looks at statistical and anecdotal information about the middle class in America.

Private Roads: How can the problems of traffic congestion be solved? Is there a place for entrepreneurs and businesses to help? Is it wrong for businesses to make money off those stuck in traffic? This segment looks at private toll roads and efforts to reduce traffic congestion.

Desire To Be Famous: What's so important about being famous? Why not wealthy or intelligent? Why not cure cancer? This segment looks at the desire of American youth to be famous and what it says about our values.

• FREE downloadable and printable Teacher Guide (available in English and Spanish) with suggested discussion topics and activities for your classroom to supplement your "2010 Edition" video segments.

Still available!...

Stossel in the Classroom DVD: 2009 Edition

FREE 48-minute DVD, which includes eight segments from 20/20, chosen and edited specifically for the classroom. In the 2009 Edition DVD are:

Global Warming Debate: Is the scientific debate over global warming really over?

Federal Spending: Why did one politician put his foot down on Congress for spending money on pet projects?

"Running" the Country: Do politicians really "run the country"?

Debt and Responsibility: How does debt help our economy work?

Prediction Markets: Did you know that crowds can be smarter then experts?

Swimming and Lawsuits: How many summer pleasures have we lost because people are afraid of being sued?

Healthcare and Profit: What is the relationship between excellent healthcare and profit?

Costs of "Free" Healthcare: What are some unintended consequences of "free" healthcare?

Stossel in the Classroom DVD: 2008 Edition
(Hype and Consequences)

FREE 34-minute DVD, which includes six segments from 20/20, chosen and edited specifically for the classroom. In the Hype and Consequences DVD are:

High-Priced Fashion: Sometimes we buy expensive fashion items like sneakers, just because they're so cool! Meet one NBA star who finally put his size 12 foot down on this spending trend.

Vaccine Fears: Vaccines have saved many people from death and illness. But now some people say they're not safe, that they can hurt people.

Ethanol Fuel: Some say "ethanol," a bio-fuel alternative to gasoline made from corn, will help save the environment. Do you agree?

Unintended Consequences: Everyday, people are killed and injured. When bad things happen, it's natural to say, "There should be a law!" But what are the unintended consequences of making more laws?

Food Donation: People want to cook meals for the homeless. The government wants food safety. Is there a conflict between these two good ideas?

Media Scares: The media reports that scary things are happening in the world, but we can't worry about everything. So what should we worry about?

Stossel in the Classroom DVD: 2007 Edition

FREE 20-minute DVD, which includes four segments from 20/20, chosen and edited specifically for the classroom. In the 2007 Edition DVD are:
Stereotypes: How much do expectations of success or failure influence how students actually perform? John Stossel examines whether a bold experiment from decades ago still holds true today.

Foreign Aid: Some say that more foreign aid is the answer to poverty in Africa. But after billions of dollars in aid, individual Africans are worse off than before. John Stossel asks the experts: is there a better way to help the poor?

Price Gouging: After natural disasters, some businesses raise prices on essential goods and services. Is that evil? Exactly the opposite, say three Nobel Prize-winning economists. John Stossel uncovers why in this lesson about supply and demand.

Oil supplies: It's a common belief that America is running out of oil. John Stossel digs for the truth behind this popular myth.

10-21-2009, 10:41 AM
Thank you! This will come in handy for homeschooling my son :)

10-22-2009, 09:31 AM
i am in elementary school.

02-01-2010, 11:15 PM

02-02-2010, 07:20 PM
Do these ever actually come? I had sent for last years editions, and never received anything.

Jolie Rouge
02-02-2010, 09:35 PM
Got all of mine ... try try again.

Also recieved a ABC Report on "Tampering with Nature" DH used part of the segment to illustrate a point in her science fair project.

02-03-2010, 08:07 AM
thanks so much I think my daughter's teacher would love any of these