View Full Version : Quiting Smoking

07-28-2009, 02:31 PM
Hi everyone, I am going to try and quit smoking. My set date is Aug. 1st. I don't think this is going to be easy at all. If anyone has any pointers or ideas I could really use them. The date is creeping up soooo fast. I hope I can do it. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you

07-28-2009, 03:53 PM
Oh dont think like that, of course you can do it!! What are you going to use to help you? I cant really think of any tips, I quit 4 years ago? I cant even remember now. I do remember to stay away from the sweet stuff, oh, my mother in law is in the process of quitting (the quit the eleventh) and she has a lot of popsicles, they're pretty mild on calories and its a good time of the year for them.

Good luck! You can do it!!

07-28-2009, 04:39 PM
I quit a long time ago, and 2 things I remember reading while quitting was
don't go where you normally smoke, Example if you smoke alot while talking on the phone then try not to talk on the phone to much.
Another thing was once you quit don't think, I can take one puff or smoke just one and not start again. Most people when they do that, start smoking again.
Good luck to you.

07-28-2009, 10:55 PM
Read Allen Carr's book. It is called the EASYWAY to quit smoking or something similar. It really helps. other than that, one day at a time. I quit March 15th and never thought I could do it.

07-29-2009, 04:41 AM
I used the patch to quit & I know I couldn't have done it w/out it!
Just keep busy, take lots of walks., get out of the house, don't be around people who smoke at least for the first 4 weeks. Go places where you can't smoke, the movies, museums, etc...
I bought big bags of blow-pops suckers.
I was a 3 pack a day Nazi-Smoker. If I can quit (going on 5 years now), anyone can... trust me.....

07-29-2009, 03:42 PM
First start with a positive attitude about it - instead of it will be hard - make it I know I can do this and it is going to be easy. I know it doesn't sound like much but that will help. Heck I quit 9 years ago when they raised the price one week and it just pissed me off. Haven't looked back. Good Luck!!!!!!!

Plus take the money you would have spent on cigarettes and save it, if possible. You will be amazed at how much you will save by not buying those things with their wonderful taxes.

07-29-2009, 03:53 PM
Good luck! I quit cold turkey a couple years ago during a health issue. I tried to avoid triggers. It was hard when I'd drive. That's when I smoked the most. At over $8.00 a pack, I figure I've saved a bundle. Also, I didn't gain a pound. A lot of people are afraid of that so when you need that oral fixation have something to drink, a piece of fruit, or some veggies. You can do it. :)

09-25-2009, 02:36 PM
I was wondering if you quit The_Kinzzy? I am on day 3 using wellbutrin, I have sunflower seeds sugar free candy and ice pops. First day was bad for me I kept on trying to reason that I needed them but then I just said NO MORE! I had a pack that was open just asking me to smoke them I flushed them. I will win this battle this time.

09-26-2009, 02:49 PM
Good luck! I quit cold turkey a couple years ago during a health issue. I tried to avoid triggers. It was hard when I'd drive. That's when I smoked the most. At over $8.00 a pack, I figure I've saved a bundle. Also, I didn't gain a pound. A lot of people are afraid of that so when you need that oral fixation have something to drink, a piece of fruit, or some veggies. You can do it. :)

Wholy schitz $8 a pack??? Wowsers!!
Hope you are stilling having luck Kinzzy

09-26-2009, 04:47 PM
Wholy schitz $8 a pack??? Wowsers!!
Hope you are stilling having luck Kinzzy

When we went to the local packy to get beer I noted that Newports (the type I smoked when I smoked) were 8.98 a pack!!! I quit almost 8 years ago and they were 3.90 a pack!!

Good luck!!! You can go broke these days smoking... holy cow