View Full Version : Cat repellent

07-27-2009, 10:45 AM
Anyone know how to keep an out door cat out of your yard? The neighbors cat keeps getting into my garage and I am not sure how she is doing it.. She is also crapping in my plants and I cannot even sit on my front steps b/c it smells like cat crap even though I cleaned it up.

On top of that I found her staring at my fish pond so I chased her away only to have her bring her smug self back thinking I was gone. So I squirt her with the hose..

If I bring it up to my neighbor she is only going to tell me that she won't crap in a litter box in the house.. Well that's fine but I don't want her in MY yard. My yard is fenced in for a reason..

I am going to get the CO2 tank filled on my paintball gun in a little while.. I am getting really ticked about this and animal control can't do a damned thing b/c she has her shots and a collar...

So other than getting a huge cat eating dog any suggestions? I also have wicked pms right now so I am about to open a can of whoop a$$ on someone today. And it may be the cat

07-27-2009, 10:55 AM
Give the whoop ass to the neighbor, the cat doesn't know any better, lol! Other than that, I have no advice for you. Maybe repeated sprays with the hose would teach it to stay out?

07-27-2009, 11:00 AM
I don't know if it actually works but I've seen plants that you can put around to keep cats away...guess something in the smell deters the cats?

07-27-2009, 11:23 AM
I just got a call from my cousin. He apparently saw my name on the report I filed over the phone. I had forgotten he runs providence animal control. I told him about the paintball gun idea and he said just don't aim for it right away. Shoot around it. Also he said cats hate the scent of citrus... But his hands are tied because the cat has shots and a registered collar. Ugh

07-27-2009, 11:36 AM
A good water gun....cats hate water. They say to use that when you are training them to keep of counters or whatever. I am sure a good water gun will work, but you have to do it over and over.

The paint ball gun will get her attention, maybe the owner will see her new colors and try to keep her out of your yard LOL

07-27-2009, 11:43 AM
found some information... http://landscaping.about.com/od/pestcontrol/a/cat_repellents.htm

"The ten cat repellents on which I focus below are all intended for existing garden beds. While on the subject of wire, I'll begin with electric wire fences.

1. Like rabbits, cats can be kept away by installing an electric wire fence. Installation is easy with fence kits and chargers.

Water: The Ultimate Cat Repellent?

Sometimes, to keep cats away from a yard, you have to think like a cat. Put yourself in the cat's place. Observe cat behavior. For instance, they're pretty fussy creatures, aren't they?

One of the things cats are fussy about is getting wet. Water is "kryptonite for cats." Getting wet seems to be almost a phobia for them. Use that phobia to your advantage in trying to keep cats away from yards.

2. When you catch cats in the forbidden area, you can try hosing them down with a Super Soaker or similar water gun. Such action may reinforce the notion that they are unwanted in your planting bed.

3. But if that doesn't work, you can go hi-tech. Devices such as Scarecrow Sprinklers detect an intruder's presence and fire a blast of water at it.

Thinking like a cat again, another thing we can say cats are fussy about is how something smells. You can use feline fastidiousness to keep cats away from your yard in a number of ways:

Commercial Cat Repellents

4. One of the commercial cat repellents available is a powder called, "Shake-Away." Shake-Away bears the scent of the urine of predators that cats fear, namely, the coyote, the fox and the bobcat. This commercial cat repellent comes in a granular form, which you simply sprinkle around the problem area. The product is advertised as being organic, making it an acceptable option to use around children and pets. Nor will it harm your plants.

Plants That Are Cat Repellents

5. Some plants give off smells that cats dislike. One such plant, Coleus canina, goes by the common name, "scaredy cat plant." As the second term in the Latin name indicates (think "canine"), it is also effective if you have trouble landscaping with dogs. Other plants often recommended for keeping cats away from yards are:

* rue,
* lavender, which deer pests also dislike
* pennyroyal

Other Substances That Double as Cat Repellents

6. Try sprinkling "stinky" substances around the problem area, including:

* dried-blood fertilizer
* mothballs (drop them into a can or jar, cover, and make a few holes in the cover).
* cayenne pepper flakes (but see below)
* ammonia

Note that mothballs are toxic, thus the recommendation that you use them in a covered can or jar. Avoid even this usage if small children will be in the yard and could, potentially, open such a can or jar. Note also that some people caution against using cayenne pepper in this fashion, saying it can be harmful to cats. So if you're an animal lover and tend to be on the cautious side, then save the cayenne pepper to flavor your food!

7. Cats don't like to walk on bristly material. So in mulching the problem bed, include something on which the refined paws of cats will fear to tread, such as sharp-edged pine cones.

8. Another mulch-related idea is to use stone mulch. It may not be the most attractive mulch for your particular bed, but cats prefer to poop in loose dirt. Cats usually won't bother with an area mulched in stone. They'd rather be "pussyfooting around" where the digging's easier on their paws.

How to Keep Cats Out of Your Garden: Striking a Compromise

As in landscaping with dogs, sometimes the path of least resistance provides the best solution to your problem. Strike a compromise with your cat by planting a separate bed of catnip plants, in another part of the yard. Not all cats go nuts over catnip plants, but those who do may come to view their "catnip patch" as their own private sanctuary.

9.Better still, keep a sandbox just for cats in close proximity to the catnip plants. Chances are that the sandbox will serve as a magnet for cat poop. Sure, you'll have to clean up the cat poop afterwards. But at least you'll know where it is.

How to Keep Cats Out of Your Garden: Hi-Tech to the Rescue, Again

Hi-tech approaches to keeping cats out of gardens don't stop with the motion-activated sprinklers mentioned on Page 1. You can also keep cats out of gardens using ultrasound.

10. Ultrasound devices such as Cat Stop operate on a high frequency. It's inaudible to humans but unbearable for cats. Installation is easy. You simply situate the device so that it faces toward the garden. A motion sensor detects the intruder's presence, and Cat Stop then gives off its high-frequency sound, scaring off the cat.

Addendum 1: The Case for Cat Repellents: Why You Should Keep Cats Out of Gardens

The concern over how to keep cats out of gardens is readily understandable and has nothing to do with whether or not one likes cats. Nor does it matter that much whether the cats in question are your own or someone else's. After all, it stinks to be working away cheerfully in the garden, only to end up stepping in cat poop! But the need for cat repellents goes beyond mere inconvenience. Cat poop can harbor pathogens harmful to humans. Ultimately, this is an issue of proper sanitation in the yard.

"But," you may protest, "the manure of barnyard animals is often used by gardeners. How is cat poop different? And what if I compost it first?" Well, cat poop differs in one very important respect from, say, cow manure: the former is the product of a carnivore, not an herbivore. If your neighbor's cat is using your garden as a toilet, how do you know the cat's poop doesn't contain parasites passed on by its prey?

Addendum 2: Cat Poop in the Compost?

Nor is composting cat poop recommended, unless you're an experienced and meticulous composter. Theoretically, you could heat the pile up enough to kill any pathogens in the cat poop. But you'd need to have the making of compost down to a science in order to tackle the task of composting cat poop without trepidation. For most people, it wouldn't be worth the risk."

07-27-2009, 11:58 AM
Thanks!!! I bookmarked that page :D I work so hard on keeping my garden nice. I really do. I am just so fed up!

Thanks again. That page has a lot of info I can use :)

07-27-2009, 01:05 PM
I would take a bill over the the neighbor for the damage the cat has done. I would keep a record of everything, and let her know she can either keep her cat away from your property or you are going to persue it in small claims.

Is there not a leash law where you live?

07-27-2009, 01:12 PM
I'd tell the neighbor to get an enclosed cat walk area to turn her cat into when she wants to put it outside to go to the bathroom. Let her clean up the mess out of her own yard! If that doesn't work-- I'd get a supersoaker water gun, and take aim until the cat got the message.

07-27-2009, 01:25 PM
Is there not a leash law where you live?

When it comes to cats all my city requires is that it has a valid shot record and a registered tag with the city.

07-27-2009, 01:45 PM
I sprinkle Cayanne Pepper around my Garden and Flower beds. I get the cheap bottles at the Dollar store. My neighbor has 30-40 Cats and it drives me nuts. I used to love cats but not so much anymore.

07-27-2009, 01:55 PM
30 to 40 cats? Holy mother of Guam!

07-27-2009, 01:56 PM
Your cousin is right about the scent of citrus. That is the only thing that will keep the strays out of my shrubs. I buy those cone shaped citrus air fresheners and position them around my house. It is so nice stepping out of my house to the scent of them instead of cat pee and poop.

07-27-2009, 02:13 PM
30 to 40 cats? Holy mother of Guam!

Yep I know, It's a Long story my dh grew up with her son so he will not let me call Animal control on her. It is sooo nasty. We have told her many times and she keeps telling us she is going to find them homes but this has been going on for 3 years.

07-27-2009, 02:48 PM
I find bear pee works great, keeps the deer and other critters away too like racoon and possum.


07-27-2009, 04:45 PM
ok buy citrionella plants and plant all around the areas you dont want cats ,
they dont like the smell and taste of plants and shrubs, lemon verbenna also is another good one ,and chili pepper plants ,any of the varieties ,
get you a good non leaking water gun , then in a jar fill it with vinigar and poor a can of red pepper flakes perferable the spanish kind , let it sit a week then poor into the water gun and go and squirt any where you dont want cat , like fish pond but not into fish pond ,,,,,,, this will irritate your fish, but you can spray any where else ,,,,,,,,, this is one you have to renue after rains but after a while the cats will avoid your place like the plaguge
if they get up on your car take a plastic tablecloth and put double sideded tape on it as much as you can , cats cant stand sticky feet , just becareful removing lol or you have to redo it, just hang on laundry line with clips when not useing , if you know someone who has a really huge dog , get some of his dogs poop and plant it in stregic places , and cats can tell by smell if its a large dog or small,,,,,,,,,, believe it or not they do have a different smell
these all work well but do take a little time and effort
oh and one other item ,
noise horn alarm , the ones you buy at the auto store ,its a can you press the button and it screams , those will startle cats also ,some cats cant stand the loud noise and will avoid those places
hope this helps , ive trained cats and dogs so i know these work

07-27-2009, 08:20 PM
I have an indoor cat, and the water gun didnt bother him at all,lol, he is 11 now, and is much nicer to the furniture. The loud noises did aggrevate him to death,I had pennies in a pepsi bottle and shook it every time he messed with something he wasnt suppose to do,and it worked better for me.

07-27-2009, 09:58 PM
BB gun?

Now in the words of 2 Live Crew: Let the beatings begin. LMAO

07-28-2009, 04:32 PM
OK, call me terrible BUT, what about tuna fish in a live trap catcher and in the dark of night bringing said cat to another county. I have 3 that come into my fenced in yard and have killed, birds and the bunnies that I feed all winter. I have gone out a threw brooms at them and hosed them but they come at night. Going to get some of that cayenne pepper and try it and if that doesn't work they will be turned loose alsewhere. Usually now when they are in the yard they hear me open the door and run like heck. I do so like that paint ball thing. If you miss the cat you will at least have a pretty colorful yard...

07-28-2009, 04:56 PM
you have to be careful what you shoot at cats or any animals the humane society can and will press charges on you if you do that , its considered cruelity , and will get you a huge fine or jail time, specialy if the owner snaps a pic of you doing it,,,,,,,,,, so be aware , water guns that are not high powered are ok but any thing which can hurt the animal you want to get rid of can get you in trouble.
me lol i know some animals are just needing a good kick in the butt.... but other than catching and relocating them , theres nothing you can do , one other idea , the trap is good because every time you trap one turn it into the animal shelter , they have to pay to get it back and after several visits to the shelter and fines they mite decide to keep better track of the cat.

07-28-2009, 05:10 PM
I know how to shoot a paintball gun so it won't hurt/hit the cat... If my cousin, who is the director of our cities animal control said it was ok to do then I trust his judgment. I will not get a fine/jail time if the cat is on MY property.

I got orange oil and I sprayed it where she was crapping and I got this stuff called "Dumb Cat" and it has an enzyme in it that repells cats from wanting to crap in the area.. So I sprayed that today too. I also put the stuff near my fish pond but not so close as it won't wash into the pond

The cat hasn't been back today. And I have more birds today than usual :)

07-28-2009, 05:13 PM
OK, call me terrible BUT, what about tuna fish in a live trap catcher and in the dark of night bringing said cat to another county. I have 3 that come into my fenced in yard and have killed, birds and the bunnies that I feed all winter. I have gone out a threw brooms at them and hosed them but they come at night. Going to get some of that cayenne pepper and try it and if that doesn't work they will be turned loose alsewhere. Usually now when they are in the yard they hear me open the door and run like heck. I do so like that paint ball thing. If you miss the cat you will at least have a pretty colorful yard...

Hi terrible :p ;)

07-28-2009, 05:32 PM
Good luck. Let us know if the dumb cat works long term.

07-28-2009, 06:48 PM
Hi terrible :p ;)

had an episode where i had to curtail my hunter cats , lol in my own yard , little cruds, i love them all but ive broken them from jumping the birds in my yard and next doors , but since i live practically in the state park , i cant police them there,,,,,,,,,, dusty caught a little bird when we first moved in , and i stuck his nose in the body and wopped ass , lol my hubby was fussing and said i should stop punishing his fur baby, but i made sure he knew i was top cat in this home and id get his butt every time he got a bird. as far as i know he hasnt touched another one here ,,,,,,,,,, or in my area,,,,,,,,, lol you should have heard me growling at him while i stuck his nose in the bird and hollored in his ear ,,,,,,,,,, NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO NOOOOOOOOOO NOOOOOOOOOOOOO , SCARED THE BEJESUS out of him lol, got to treat your animals like pack animals and your head of the pack. works real good,,,,,,, youve heard of the dog whisperer , well im the cat growler,,,,,,,,, lol
everyone asks me how i get my cats to behave so well and be so happy in their own yard , they rarely stray to anyone else yard and they are all happy and healthy , the only places i allow them roam is our back yard and front , if i see them going next door or across the way i hollor for them with a call ive trained them or come to me to. people laughed when i started calling them , but were amazed to see them come , and they follow my hubby like dogs , it was alway fun to watch them follow him from the door to the post box , he had his own little troupe........ there and back ,,,,,,,,,, now if we can figure out how to make them get the mail for us,,,,,,,,,

07-29-2009, 01:05 PM
had an episode where i had to curtail my hunter cats , lol in my own yard , little cruds, i love them all but ive broken them from jumping the birds in my yard and next doors , but since i live practically in the state park , i cant police them there,,,,,,,,,, dusty caught a little bird when we first moved in , and i stuck his nose in the body and wopped ass , lol my hubby was fussing and said i should stop punishing his fur baby, but i made sure he knew i was top cat in this home and id get his butt every time he got a bird. as far as i know he hasnt touched another one here ,,,,,,,,,, or in my area,,,,,,,,, lol you should have heard me growling at him while i stuck his nose in the bird and hollored in his ear ,,,,,,,,,, NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO NOOOOOOOOOO NOOOOOOOOOOOOO , SCARED THE BEJESUS out of him lol, got to treat your animals like pack animals and your head of the pack. works real good,,,,,,, youve heard of the dog whisperer , well im the cat growler,,,,,,,,, lol
everyone asks me how i get my cats to behave so well and be so happy in their own yard , they rarely stray to anyone else yard and they are all happy and healthy , the only places i allow them roam is our back yard and front , if i see them going next door or across the way i hollor for them with a call ive trained them or come to me to. people laughed when i started calling them , but were amazed to see them come , and they follow my hubby like dogs , it was alway fun to watch them follow him from the door to the post box , he had his own little troupe........ there and back ,,,,,,,,,, now if we can figure out how to make them get the mail for us,,,,,,,,,

Well maybe Elle ought to have her neighbor send the cat to you and then you can train him.

07-29-2009, 04:26 PM
wall o text

07-29-2009, 04:54 PM
Well maybe Elle ought to have her neighbor send the cat to you and then you can train him.

would try my durnest , lol hope my hints help her , the neighbors cats come through my property sometimes and in the past month they skirt my home by wide margins . they know i ll fuss at any fighting , and vinagar and peppers taste horrible to them and they know its comming if they are fighting in my yard, put it one of those super long range soakers. so they do get a good taste of the nasty spray, lol makes them think twice of fighting in my yard.
i use a noise horn can for stray dogs, other wise the local animal population except for the local racoon and mountain turtle leave us alone , the racoon comes at nite and my kittys come in when it gets dark and the turtle .lol my cats were scared of that huge critter.....
other than a huge lizard that hangs out back of my shed ,its beautiful here and my kittys are content to stay close.
we did see a black bear on the way home last month but that was miles down the road,
lol first time ive ever seen one in the flesh and not behind zoo bars

07-29-2009, 07:25 PM
Good luck getting the cat to stop using the bathroom in your yard. MY GOD cat pee and poop smells horrid!

I think the citrus idea is a good one and the paintball one is as well. Good luck and let us know what happens!

07-29-2009, 07:29 PM
As of today she has not been in our yard.. I feel like an obsessed freak or something, idk what, b/c I went over the dvd of our property today and no cats have invaded our yard..

I hate looking thru stills......

So far so good. Still have my fingers x'ed