View Full Version : seinfeld - the chaperone- TBS 11 PM 5/18

05-19-2009, 01:02 AM
what did kramer do to help karen win the contest while in their hotel room?
showed her proper way to walk

what did kramer make karen do for the beauty pageant?
perform song for first time

what did elaine tell jerry she hoped to do while they were at the ball game?
take over famous editor position

what did jerry offer to do for kramer if he agreed to attend the beauty pageant?
take him out to dinner

what was elaine doing for mr. pitt when jerry called to ask her to go to atlantic city?
helping him try on socks

what did elaine do to show mr. pitt that she looked like a famous celebrity?
put on sunglasses and head wrap

what did jerry do that accidentally killed karen's doves at the hotel?
poured water over ledge

what did george tell jerry he wanted to do for the yankees?
change material of their uniforms