View Full Version : Lie to Me - Blinded Fox

05-07-2009, 08:43 AM
Synopsis: Lightman teams up with an FBI agent (Mikhi Phifer) to hunt for a serial rapist who is terorizing Washington, D.C.

What did Cal say that Leo had done, with regard to Andrew, by murdering Camille Halpren?
*Become more famous than him

What did Milo do when Agent Reynolds grabbed him and pointed a gun at his neck?
*Revealed a hidden room in his house

What did Andrew say he'd done, which Cal identified as being one of the few things Andrew was truthful about?
*Failed to get a job as a dog trainer

What did Andrew tell Michelle that she would have been good at doing had he not blinded her?
*Being employed as a nurse

What did Andrew tell Cal was the key to making sure Leo didn't "walk all over him"?
*keeping him on a short leash

What did Cal do to start a fight with an inmate after being escorted by Calvo in shackels into a penitentiary?
*Flipped over his food tray in the cafeteria

What did Leo do after Agent Jenkins found Camile tied up in a basement?
*Ran up the staircase to try to escape

What did Andrew say about Cal, before giving an address that turned out to be false?
*Deserved to be rewarded for effort

What did Michell Russell say :Paul Russell" was doing, before Cal revealed that "Russell" was not his real name?
*Checking on empty real estate listings

What did Calvo tell Cal and Agent Reynolds that Andrew Jenkins had made him do under the duress of a threat to harm his little girls?
*Place letters under a heavy trash can

What did Cal do after Andrew told him that Ria had shown him up by disobeying his orders?
*Flipped over an interrogation table

05-07-2009, 03:51 PM
What did Andrew Jenkins do after getting the government to promise him a weekly candy shipment?
* Gave up a street address

What did Cal tell Agent Reynolds he did, after the FBI rescued Camille?
* Requested that he be added to his team as part of a contracting deal

What did Ria do with Andrew Jenkins against Cal's orders?
* Arranged a face-to-face with victim of his