View Full Version : i have a nice roomate

05-02-2009, 09:49 AM
I got my roomate off of craig's list. I put an ad up and he was one of 2 that responded. I have been here now 10 months and really could not ask for a nicer roomie.Yes he drives me nuts practising his french horn at midnight however this is the 2nd month i have to be late on rent due to being sick and waiting for shortterm to kick in. No getting upset he says ok not to worry and even went to the store to get me smokes and food:) I even get along with his girlfriend, who is cool with me living here. SO for all the bad things said about Craig's List i find it wonderful:) I just wanted to say something nice instead of a vent and whine lol

05-02-2009, 10:37 AM
We have gotten so many cool things off of craigslist, dh got a free 58" tv and all it took was like 20 bucks to fix it. We have gotten our 16foot pool off it for free. Dh is on that site all the time trying to find things for free or trying to sell something.

05-02-2009, 10:40 AM
Glad you like your roommate. Its hard to find people you can actually stand to live with :)

05-02-2009, 02:46 PM
That is a good thing! Congrats on finding a great roommate!

05-02-2009, 07:36 PM
Whew, thank goodness you didn't end up with a psycho as a roommate but got a winner instead!

05-02-2009, 11:26 PM
I am not young anymore and I think being young makes some of these things easier.
But not in my wildest imagination can I see myself advertising for a room mate on craigs list and then being brave enough to actually spend the night in an apartment with someone I don't know. Even with my door locked I would be afraid to close my eyes.

05-03-2009, 05:04 AM
I am not young anymore and I think being young makes some of these things easier.
But not in my wildest imagination can I see myself advertising for a room mate on craigs list and then being brave enough to actually spend the night in an apartment with someone I don't know. Even with my door locked I would be afraid to close my eyes.

How is that different from posting an ad in the newspaper?

There are good people out there and they do use Craigslist.....just like anything else, one must be careful....:shrug

05-03-2009, 06:05 AM
I am not young anymore and I think being young makes some of these things easier.
But not in my wildest imagination can I see myself advertising for a room mate on craigs list and then being brave enough to actually spend the night in an apartment with someone I don't know. Even with my door locked I would be afraid to close my eyes.

lol I am 52 and about to take off and go across country again and visit internet friends. I love to meet people in real life that i have become friends with online. PS i am still friends with the very first person i ever talked to online:) from 1989 from the sierra network. we still chat weekly