View Full Version : The Courageous Heart of Irena Sendler @9pm CBS

04-20-2009, 10:07 AM
The Courageous Heart of Irena Sendler @9pm CBS

Synopsis: Polish social worker Irena Sendler saves thousands of Jewish children during World War II.

What did Irena Sendler ask Trojan to do as she handed him a jar?
~Return the hidden children after the war

What did Jasio do on the train that led to his escape?
~Kicked a hole in the floor

What did Irena Sendler do with her jar of papers when it was full?
NOT-----Passed it to a priest
NOT-----Put it in the soup pantry

What did Stefan do to escape detection as the doctor visited Janina Sendler?
~Hid inside of a cupboard

What did Stefan do for Irena Sendler after she met him at the orphanage?
~Showed her secret exits from the ghetto

What did Michal Laski offer to do for Irena Sendler if she would take Jasio into Warsaw?
~Help her in the ghetto from time to time

What did Irena Sendler do when she first went to visit the Rozenfeld family in the ghetto?
~Smuggled in food and clothes

What did Janina Sendler do for Anna after Irena Sendler brought her home in the middle of the night?
~Gave her a stuffed animal

How did Irena Sendler find out in prison that Zegota would help her?
~Dentist showed her a message written on a bandage

What did Irena Sendler promise a Jewish mother she would do when taking her children out of the ghetto?
~Keep track of where they were placed

What did Trojan tell Irena Sendler she would have to do in order to receive support from the Underground?
NOT-----Turn over all removal records
NOT-----Follow a wagon out of town


In a commercial during this show, who turned out to be the father of a lawyer who worked long hours and asked her if it was all worth it, before giving her a card that explained "good things will come"?
NOT-----Guy behind the counter at a newsstand where she bought a paper
NOT-----Subway worker who wore a vest and was sitting token booth

In a commercial during this show, who read a card aloud at a special occasion, pleasantly surprising the crowd of people listening to him?
NOT-----Husband at his wife's surprise fortieth birthday who said things like, "She's still a total hottie!"
NOT-----Retiring man’s coworker at a gala dinner who said, “Practical joke day just won’t be the same”

In a commercial during this show, what did a woman do for her uncle before giving him a birthday card that made him laugh?
~Visited him at nursing home where he played cards
~~~Find one suited for anyone

04-20-2009, 09:19 PM
What did Irena Sendler do with her jar of papers when it was full?
Hid it under a rock

What did Trojan tell Irena Sendler she would have to do in order to receive support from the Underground?
Pick up a package of laundry

04-21-2009, 03:08 PM
Not listed in my CBS network dropdown