View Full Version : Does anyone donate plasma regularly?

04-15-2009, 06:38 AM
If anyone here donates plasma, would you recommend it? How is it done, how often, how painful, etc? I saw a news article where our local place shut down and everyone was saying how they used to donate for diaper money, rent etc , as well of course as those who did it for beer etc.

How picky are they about who they let donate as far as minor medical issues, cholestrol, etc? There are some weeks that it is a struggle to get last minute groceries, extra formula, diapers, wipes, gas etc and it might be worth the 20 minute drive to donate for some extra cash.

They say our local place pays 20.00, you can usually donate twice a week so 40.00 a week and the website says they offer bonuses to new and recurring doners . Plus knowing it is a good cause and you are helping someone. I don't mean to sound petty and say I am more interested in money than helping, it is just a fact that I am often overdrawn and running out of stuff.

Anyway, advice from people who have been there done that would be welcome.

04-15-2009, 06:52 AM
I have done it in the past and wouldn't do it again, it really made my arm literally black and blue and very sore for a week or so, also made me sick, guess I just cant handle that, I can't even donate blood as it makes me feel the same way. Here they are very picky or at least back then they were, you had to get checked out by the doctor and go through screenings, they paid me 70 dollars the very first time I donated.

04-15-2009, 08:31 AM
I did it 6 or 7 times when I was younger, I would still do it if I could. It makes me sick though, really light headed, nauseus (sp?), and almost black out. This happens to some people the first time or two, and I guess if it doesn't stop after that, chances are it will hapen every time, so I had to quit.
But, if it doesn't make you too sick, and you have a few hours, it is an easy way to make a few bucks. I remember that every time they gave me a finger prick test, I think they were checking iron levels maybe? I think you can't donate if you have been pierced ot tattooed in the last year. And I think if you are sick (cold, flu), you can't donate. I never got turned away.
Do expect to be there for 2-3 hours though, maybe longer on your very first visit, as you wil have a longer setup intake appt. You will wait for your turn, then they will hook you up and I think it took 45 mins to an hour for the draw. Then get unhooked, if it is a nicer place, they will give you juice and a small snack before you leave, then get your money and go.
The biggest drawback I saw was that at the 2 I went to, the people seemed fairly inexperienced, I had two pretty bad experiences in the few times I went. So, I guess it depends on what you can handle, and what kind of people are staffing your local office. Hope that helps some, good luck if you try it!

04-15-2009, 09:31 AM
I did it twice a week for years. I don't bruise easy and I am not bothered by the needle (which is much bigger than a needle you would get a shot with... BUT, the smaller the needle the more it hurts, so unless your veins roll around a lot it really isn't that painful), so it was not painful and didn't cause any discomfort for me. The only time I got sick after (it does affect ppl differently and I have seen ppl get sick like starr) is when my cousin would get me high after (ok, remember I was 18/19 and was doing this for pot money), I would pass out.

I'm fairly certain having high cholesterol won't affect whether you can donate. They want to know if you have communicable diseases, so your first donation is sent for lots of testing. After that they test your iron (and something else) levels every time.

I would donate again in a heart beat... I just haven't looked in to it since we've been up here. I did just do a quick search though and it's 60 dollars a week where I'm at.

04-15-2009, 10:06 AM
I used to do it all the time but now I can't. Here it's 260 a month with the bonuses. You get a nickel taste in your mouth but I used to suck on candy and it would help. make sure you eat before you go so your levels are right and you don't get weak. I 100% reccomend it but everyone is different.

04-15-2009, 12:22 PM
I did this twice, and never will again (not that I can). It is for a good cause, but just not for me.

I have a huge scar on my arm from it. And I don't care how they say it isn't painful, to me it was! I went when I was much younger, maybe that was it, but I can still remember it. I was lil short of party $ and well me and some friends went.

After the second time, we figured it was easier to get people at the bar to buy us drinks then to go through all of that.

On that same note I am very thankful for those that donate plasma and blood. I have needed both in the past, and without them my son and I would have died.

04-15-2009, 12:40 PM
I tried to once but they wouldn't let me because I have Diabetes...which they found when they did a urine test on me. They do a bunch of tests for different things and test your iron each time you go and if it's too low they won't let you. So I figure if you have any medical problems that you take medication for you wouldn't be able to do it. I knew a few people that did it twice a week and it didn't bother them any and they made almost $300 a month.

04-15-2009, 03:25 PM
I donated off and on in college, depending on my bank account. We definitely didn't get as much money then as you all are saying. But we got more on the second visit made in a single week as an incentive to donate twice a week. I never had a problem and, since it was college, it also had the added benefit that you got drunk faster when you went out to the bars afterwards.

Anyway, fast forward about 15 + years and I do still have a pea-sized indentation on my left arm where the needle went in. I did have one friend who felt really sick after donating, but otherwise it was usually the same people in there every week and we all got to know each other.

04-16-2009, 05:03 AM
I donated for years.
If your a thin person its better for you, since they don't take that much from you., but the heavier you are, the more they'll take.
People would hate me because I'd be done in like 45 minutes, and they'd be there for an hour & 1/2.
The worst part for me was the COLD! After they take your plasma & replace your blood & your all done, they fill you up with a cold bag of saline. OMG! Sooooooo COOOOLLLDDDD!!!!

They'll do a almost full physical before they will accept you.
The first time you go, be prepared to be there for 3 hours.. at least!

If your a smoker, don't smoke right before you go, it will increase your pulse & you'll have to wait until your pulse comes down before they'll take your plasma.

I always thought it was funny, back in the day there were a ton of us, club kids who would donate plasma & you could always tell who they were because there fingernail would GLOW under-black light. ~ The plasma center will put a clear liquid on your pinky, so when you come back next week, you put your fingers under a blacklight and it would glow, so they knew you were who you said you are, a security measure thing.

04-16-2009, 05:31 AM
Thanks everyone for your thoughts. It seems like it is really a personal thing as to how you are affected. I hate needles, when they draw my blood it doesnt hurt, I just have to look away, LOL. It's just knowing when times get really super tough this might be an option is kind of comforting. The only problem I may have is that my veins are very tiny, they use a butterfly usually on me and I have even had some places refuse to take my blood unless someone from the lab itself did it. Once when I was pregnant a clinic nurse put a needle through my vein and i swelled, turned black, blue and purple and couldnt use my arm for close to two weeks. It was right in the bend of my inner arm.

04-16-2009, 08:43 AM
Hmmm, not to scare you, but the needles are quite large that they use. It has been at least 9 years, and I still have scars. One of my bad experiences was a tech poking through my vien. This is what they do, draw blood, seperate the plasma from the blood in this machine, and put the blood back in your body, repeat. Well, they only got one draw that time, and when the blood was going back in, my arm hurt rel bad. I got someone to come over, and they found the vien had been peirced through, and the blood was coming out of the vien, and pooling in my arm. My arm hurt, and I had a scaey looking bruise for weeks. I was extra mad, because the guy that stuck me was either new or just sucked, and he stuck me 2 times in one arm, then went to the other arm and stuck me 3 or 4 times before he got it - yet, when they found what happened, he had the nerve to tell me, I told you not to move your arm around! I had to fight to ge paid that day, because I didn't give a full draw, but I still say it was thier fault, not mine.

Anyway, long wat to get to a short point, I still wouldn't say don't try it, but I would say if you have that much issue getting blood drawn; I wouldn't count on being able to donate untill you have done it succesfully. :nurse:

04-16-2009, 12:27 PM
I haven't done the plasma thing. But I do donate blood pretty regular at the local blood bank. I have small, rolling veins, so usually I end up sore and black and blue. But it makes me feel good to do it. But it is a donation thing, no money.

04-17-2009, 10:07 AM
I havent in a couple of years but I think once we get set up in Little Rock for the next few months I will try to do it again

07-22-2009, 11:45 AM
visit this site accessclinical.com

07-23-2009, 07:25 AM
Thanks everyone for your thoughts. It seems like it is really a personal thing as to how you are affected. I hate needles, when they draw my blood it doesnt hurt, I just have to look away, LOL. It's just knowing when times get really super tough this might be an option is kind of comforting. The only problem I may have is that my veins are very tiny, they use a butterfly usually on me and I have even had some places refuse to take my blood unless someone from the lab itself did it. Once when I was pregnant a clinic nurse put a needle through my vein and i swelled, turned black, blue and purple and couldnt use my arm for close to two weeks. It was right in the bend of my inner arm.

I tried to donate when I was in college and they wouldn't let me, said my veins were too small.