View Full Version : Medium:Car Trouble 11 pm

03-28-2009, 02:23 PM
medium:car trouble 10 pm

What did Scanlon tell Allison that Tim Carmer had done after he knocked on his door to pick up her SUV?
Died from CO poisoning

What did Tim Carmer do when Joe tried to return the SUV he bought from him?
Explained the detail's of his wife murder

What did Scanlon tell Allison he planned to do in order to investigate the Carmers' garage?
pick up a vehicle from his driveway

What did Scanlon say Gabe Selzer was doing at the time of Rory Carmer's murder?
modeling in another state

What did Allison's car do in her dream after she turned the key into the ignition?
exploded and destroy her garage

What did the Carmers' old SUV do when Allison climbed in the driver's seat after meeting with Scanlon?
directed her the scene of crime

What did Allison do while looking through mug shots for Rory Carmer's murderer?
dreamt about Megan seducing Joe

What did Allison do while looking at pictures of Rory Carmer's dead body?
experienced a vision of her killer

What did Megan do after Allison left Joe's office in the morning?\
told him potentially bad news about his patent

What did Allison do during her dream to illustrate society's dependency on energy?
Turned on stove with electric primer

What did Allison do when she sat alone in an SUV in the middle of the night?
Envisioned a woman murdered in the passenger seat

What did Tim Carmer do when he was faced with a police lineup?
Insisted he was unable to identify the right killer

What did the Carmers' old SUV do when Allison climbed in the driver's seat after meeting with Scanlon?
directed her the scene of crime