View Full Version : Nurses..ever heard of this?

03-27-2009, 06:55 PM
I took my daughter to the ENT yesterday for her ears. She flatlines on a tynpanogram and they said it was due to fluid, not infected fluid. So, we went to the ENT and he said it appears that she has enlarged adnoids due to the fact that she is a mouth breather, is always juicy and snores louder than anything I ever heard.

Then he said there is a medication that will maybe shrink her adnoids. He put her on Orapred. I looked up the med online and in my drug book at work and it says nothing about this. It says it is usually used ot treat Lupus, colitus and other wierd problem but NOT adnoids. He also said the side effects are "extreme hunger, extreme irritability, extreme excitment and trouble sleeping". She is supposed to take this med for 6 days and have a follow up in 4 weeks.

I'm a little leery. I have known alot of kids who had their adnoids out, including my two nieces, and they were never put on this at a first step. The ENT was all set to do surgury until I said we had malignant hyperthermia and he freaked out (which was good, I am glad he knew what that was, you don't know how may dr's don't) but still...I'm just a bit scared of this medication.

Has anyone else out there used this for their child or does any nurse know what it's all about?

03-27-2009, 07:36 PM
April, remember there are alot of drugs out there that were made to "treat" one thing and are used for numerous other things. Be thankful that there might be a way to bypass surgery, at least for the time being. Also I have found that by reading the side effects that "could" happen, I tend to get them...lol. she might be fortunate and not experience any side effects at all. Everyone reacts differently to meds. Mostly, I want to say, HUGS!!! Its horrible when our little ones have troubles.

03-27-2009, 07:38 PM
I've heard of Orapred (prednisolone) being used for that purpose. It should aleviate the swelling.It's a multipurpose med that treats all sorts of inflammatory and autoimmune diseases. They usually dose it in a taper.
The side effects are normal. I use a different brand of the same med on a regular basis. April, you said that you also have Crohn's. I imagine that your doc would have you on something similar when you flare? If so, you'd know what it feels like.

03-27-2009, 07:42 PM
I've heard of Orapred (prednisolone) being used for that purpose. It should aleviate the swelling.It's a multipurpose med that treats all sorts of inflammatory and autoimmune diseases. They usually dose it in a taper.
The side effects are normal. I use a different brand of the same med on a regular basis. April, you said that you also have Crohn's. I imagine that your doc would have you on something similar when you flare? If so, you'd know what it feels like.

I believe that is what my son was prescribed a few years back. Some adnoid issues were noted.....no issues with the med (that I can recall).

Good luck.

03-28-2009, 08:22 AM
I wasnt on that one but similar for my nose when I had the polyps. I am on a med right now for my imflamatory disease and it is commonly used to treat lupus. Good luck with your DD

03-28-2009, 09:22 AM
Thanks ladies! My main concern was that I have never personally heard of the drug or anyone who used it for their kids. Also, I didn't know if this would shrink her adnoids permenantly or if she would have to keep going on it. I'm giving it a go, I really don't want her to have to have surgury but I want this issue resolved asap. Thanks again girls!

03-28-2009, 09:26 AM
I had my adnoids out not too long ago. I have major issues with my ears and am actually deaf in one ear-due to fluid and numerous surgeries. I have heard of the medication being used for reducing the adnoids. It was mentioned to me when mine were so huge but we (myself and my ENT) opted for removal because mine were so HUGE and causing such problems. I hope it helps her!!!!

03-28-2009, 09:27 AM
I wanted to add one more thing my DD was a "mouth breather" and it was because of her adnoids. She was never really better until they took them out. Good luck with the medicine I hope they help maybe with her being so young they will.

03-28-2009, 09:32 AM
Yeah Caitlyn is a wisked mouth breather. I will be next to her and she will just stop breathing and then take a big inhale. Freaks me out. She also had trachial malasia as a baby so has always been a mouth breather/snorer.

And, as for my chrones. I'v only been on Asacol and would never take stuff for flare ups because I never was in remission. Since I was 5 or 6, I have been in the bathroom up to 20 times a day..I just deal with it. Probably why I'm so pale, tired and useless. I just got sick of the constant colonoscopies and trial meds that would do nothing. Asacol stopped working (what little it did) about 5 years ago so I just quit the whole thing of dealing with diferent doctors..too much a hassle. I was on Lexapro for a while because I was always having anxiety about having to go to the bathroom..but that quit working too lol

Urban Cowgirl
03-28-2009, 12:22 PM
we had malignant hyperthermia

What is this, if you don't mind me asking?

03-28-2009, 01:03 PM

03-28-2009, 01:05 PM
MH..basically we can't be put to sleep for surgury under normal circumstances. When I had my c-sections, I had to have them in the main surgical unit, not the labor and delivery unit.

03-28-2009, 01:31 PM
Yeah Caitlyn is a wisked mouth breather. I will be next to her and she will just stop breathing and then take a big inhale. Freaks me out. She also had trachial malasia as a baby so has always been a mouth breather/snorer.

And, as for my chrones. I'v only been on Asacol and would never take stuff for flare ups because I never was in remission. Since I was 5 or 6, I have been in the bathroom up to 20 times a day..I just deal with it. Probably why I'm so pale, tired and useless. I just got sick of the constant colonoscopies and trial meds that would do nothing. Asacol stopped working (what little it did) about 5 years ago so I just quit the whole thing of dealing with diferent doctors..too much a hassle. I was on Lexapro for a while because I was always having anxiety about having to go to the bathroom..but that quit working too lol

DS took prednisolone frequently as a small child for his severe asthma. He was off the wall but it helped. Lots of little ones are on it.
Asacol didn't help me very much at all. As a matter of fact I felt worse and the damage continued and I had to have half of my colon removed 5 months ago. I still have a bad have flare up now and then between Humira treatments and use the steroid for that. If you need a good doctor I know a few here in MA. My life was hell before I finally started getting a treatment that finally worked. The whole constant bathroom thing went on with me for almost 40 years and I was in full malnutrition even though I ate well. I have to give myself a variety of injections but it's a small price to pay. Not to scare you but if you let Crohn's go untreated it could be potentially fatal from a variety of causes.

I hope the rx helps Caitlyn's problem. They won't know if it's a permanant fix until she's finished the therapy. Some kids have chronic inflammation with unknown cause and the rx has helped. Good luck.

03-28-2009, 02:16 PM
April, if in doubt get a second opinion. I am sure your general practioner would be glad to speak to you if you called with a ? . Do not worry about offending anyone, I def would trust my GP who has been treating me for years then a specialist I saw 1x and doesnt know me except from a chart

PS I hope it helps!

03-28-2009, 04:08 PM
I would take her to an ent man. They usually recommend taking them out. My son had his out when he was 10, best thing we ever did. They are over it in a few days. For some reason, regular mds do not want to do a t&a anymore.

03-28-2009, 04:15 PM
^^^ this was an ENT

03-29-2009, 12:12 PM
wow, really? I would get a 2nd opinion if I were you.

03-29-2009, 03:50 PM
wow, really? I would get a 2nd opinion if I were you.

Why if you dont mind me asking? Why would the ENT want to opt for surgery 1st without trying a med 1st? If it was the other way around then I as a parent might want to get a 2nd opionin but that is just me.

03-29-2009, 04:04 PM
well, for starters, she asked for nurses, opinions, and I have been one since 1979, and know for a fact that such meds offer a temporary fix, and I am sure that she probably wants to cure the problem permanently. Certainly the surgery of having a t&a involves a day or two at best, and then the problem will be over with.