View Full Version : This is funny to me, I hope you think so too!

03-11-2009, 01:44 PM
This is certainly not to offend anyone, it is to point out the differences in all of us and what is normal for us and what isn't.

When ahippiechic was talking about her apartment being broken into while she went to visit a neighbor for coffee, she said she carries and everyone knows it because it is usually tucked into her waistband. I know we are all different and have very different lives and that is one of the things I love about this board. But if someone came to my house to have coffee with a gun stuck in the waistband I wouldn't know whether to **** my pants, hit the floor or run like the wind. I also cracked up when she referred to the ghettocopter. Hippi you know I love you but if we ever have coffee maybe your piece can go in your purse.

When I worked I think almost every purse in the locker room had a gun or a knife in it except for just 1 or 2 besides mine.

03-11-2009, 02:02 PM
LMAO! I didn't actually have it on me when I went up for coffee. If I'm out at night (or certain areas in the daytime) I carry it then. You can't carry your gun in your purse here in AZ unless you have a permit to carry concealed. It has to be in plain sight, hence I stick it in my waistband with my shirt tucked behind it a little, because I don't like wearing either holster I have. I DO have PCC, I got it when I lived in TN (without one there, you have to have your ammo and gun 3 ft apart!) And I had it re-approved when we moved out here, otherwise they say they are kind of hard to get.

It's a pretty common sight here, even in nice neighborhoods, a lot of people like to carry their gun in fancy holsters and stuff.

Most everyone call the police helicopter the ghetto bird, that's mostly where you see it at, hovering over some ghetto apts, lol!

But if you come visit me and we walk to the store etc at night, I bet no one will mess with us!

03-11-2009, 02:11 PM
lol.. I was kinda thinking the same thing...lol

also.. I have to say.. I hate that you have to be in such a rough area... where you have to worry about gang members ...druggies...ect...

03-11-2009, 02:52 PM
lol.. I was kinda thinking the same thing...lol

also.. I have to say.. I hate that you have to be in such a rough area... where you have to worry about gang members ...druggies...ect...

Me too. I also hate that you live in such a rough area.

03-11-2009, 03:04 PM
My DH has a few guns, he doesnt have a permit to carry concealed. He has a gun locker in our bedroom closet that stays locked at all times. I dont even have a key to it lol ( guess he is scared he will piss me off one time too many lol) and the guns arent even loaded. I like being able to have a gun if we choose... but I also think they need to make the sentences longer for those caught with guns that dont have a permit, ( i.e druggies , gangbangers , etc).

03-11-2009, 03:36 PM
Honestly, this area isn't that bad, I've lived and run around in much worse, where you DID have to fear for your safety when going to the store etc. I'm not afraid to walk anywhere around here, night or day. And some of those 'bangers are close friends.

03-11-2009, 04:53 PM
My niece worked for Loomis and always carried a gun. One night after work she went into Walmart with her gun still on her. She had forgotten she had it on. She is thirty years old, but looks about fifteen. She went in to buy some movie that just came out that was R rated. She went through the self-checkout and of course the young cashier working it went over to check her ID. She had forgotten to bring her wallet in, so she turned to the guy, pointed to her uniform and tapped her gun. LOL. The guy gave her no problems at all. LOL.

03-12-2009, 06:29 AM
My mom lives in Tulsa OK. She lives in what I consider to be a pretty nice neighbor hood. Now take mind that I grew up in a home where there were NO guns.
One day my mom and SIL were sitting in the garage, and around the corner came 2 guys, one grabbed my SIL and pulled a gun to her head and the other grabbed my mom, took there purse, belongings and phone. I still have there news story on tape somewhere I recorded it. Needless to say, after that event both my mom and SIL went and took there concealed classes and are now licensed and carrying a gun!!

03-12-2009, 07:45 AM
I thought the same thing lol The only guns in my house are my son's cap guns and the only damage those will do to some "bad guy" is probably make them go deaf. I'm with you bugle, if someone came over to have coffee and had a gun on them, I'd probably ask them if they wanted the coffee in a to go cup lol