View Full Version : I need to talk...

02-27-2009, 07:09 PM
First, let me say that I am sorry I haven't posted in a while. I have been super busy with my new job and the kiddo's.

After what I just witnessed...I have to get it out of my head. I have no one to talk to at the moment and I need to just get this all out so that I might be able to sleep, which I don't think will happen.

I must warn you...this may be graphic and disturbing to some...please leave now if you have a weak stomach.

My Step Dad, my mom, my 2 daughters and I where on our way home after being at the hospital all day. My Step father's 86 year old mom was having half of her colon removed during surgery today. She had been bleeding internally for the past 2 days from her colon. They discovered she had 2 bleeding cancerous tumors inside her colon and went in to remove pretty much 2 feet of her colon. Around 6pm we spoke with the surgeon and every went wonderfully with her surgery...thank god! He was able to save 2 parts of her colon, the beginning and end and fused them together so that she would not have to have the whole thing removed and be on a bag. He told us to go home and get some sleep because she would likely be in recovery for a while. We were all pretty revealed and grateful for the good news.

On our way home...about 4 miles from my home we came up upon a 3 car accident that had just happened probably 10 seconds before we turned the bend. My Step Dad pulled to the side of the road and he and I jumped out. I went to see if I could help because I know CPR...etc. I wasn't expecting what I saw however. When we ran to the seen the first two cars were ok, we ran back to the third car and saw that there was 3 kids and a man in the back seat, all the boys no older then 13 I'd say. There was a woman in the front seat, she must have been a passenger because her legs where under the passengers side, they were hit from the right side so the force of the hit had the rest of her over in the drivers seat. I never saw a driver???

The boys in the back seat were yelling for my Step Dad and me to help pull them out...that their seat belts were stuck. My step Dad was helping pull them out while I ran around the other side of the car to try and help the man out that was next to the boys...and this is the graphic part....When I went around the car I opened the door and went to I grab the mans hand...that is when I realized he wasn't moving...I looked up at his face and the half of his head facing me was gone. The whole left side of his head was missing. I don't think I am ever going to be able to get that vision out of my mind. I have never in my life witnessed anything like it before. There was blood everywhere.

A lady that came to help grabbed me away, I guess I was just in shock standing there holding this guys hand for a few seconds. I snapped out of it and went to help the boys. They all seemed to be in shock as well. I ran to my mom's truck and grabbed the only blanket that I could find and went back to the kids. I wrapped one of them in it...he was the youngest and most hurt. He was having trouble breathing and I was holding his hand trying to calm him down. One of the boys came up to me I think they must have been brothers. He was ok but he was covered in blood from head to toe and was trying to wipe it off. He kept saying to me that it wasn't his blood. I ran back to the truck and grabbed the baby wipes that I had...and helped him wipe off his face. That is when the police came and pretty much took over and we had to leave because we were blocking the ambulance and fir trucks that were coming at that point. I wanted to help more but wasn't aloud at that point.

I am so mortified by what I just saw. From what I gathered from the seen...a woman coming down the hill in an SUV that runs into the road that we were on had lost her breaks and she hit the car with the 6 people in it, t-boning it...that car went straight into an oncoming car. The woman who hit the first car was ok. The people in the oncoming car were ok as well. Everyone in the 3rd car whole we helped were all injured from what I could tell plus the man in the back seat who had passed. I am not sure what happened to the driver, I never saw him...he must of been ejected but when I was on the drivers side I didn't see anyone but the driver side door was opened.

Please send many prayers for all involved. I feel so so so badly for that family and all involved in this horrific accident. I know that this will be on the news tonight and I will try and post the info that I find. Thank you for letting me post this and get it out of my head. I am still in shock it feels like. I have to get up for work at 4:30am so I will try and post more tomorrow afternoon. I have got to get off here and try and get some sleep.

Thanks again...I feel a little bit calmer now.

02-27-2009, 07:25 PM
Talk about it all you want, it does seem to help to be able to articulate what you saw. And no, sad to say you probably won't ever forget it. I used to work in the ER and you really don't have much time to think about the things you are seeing until the emergency is over. Then the reaction sets in.

I'll keep all the people involved in my thoughts and you as well. Try and get some rest tonight.

02-27-2009, 07:30 PM
wow, how awful for the people involved. You did what you thought was right immediately. Good for you, thank goodness we have people like you to help.
The images are graphic.

I don't know what you could do to clear your mind. When my girls had "bad dreams" I would keep telling them to think of the happy things in life. Flowers, teddy bears all cute things to get that of their mind.

Hugs. and rest!

02-27-2009, 07:31 PM
Oh, hon this is so sad. I am so sorry that you went through that and will pray for you and those in the accident tonight.

One thing I have to say is that it is good for the victims (the kids) that you were there. Your quick thinking did help, as you tended to them. Many other people would have ignored it and just called 911. You stepped up and for that, you are amazing. God Bless.

02-27-2009, 07:32 PM

02-27-2009, 07:53 PM
:hug Prayers for you and all the victims. Talk as much as you can. It really helps.

02-27-2009, 08:11 PM
(((dawn827))) Prayers for the the people involved, their families, and you. Thank goodness you were there to help those poor kids in their time of need. Talk all you need to. We are all here to listen. :hug

02-27-2009, 09:09 PM
Prayers going out to the victims and to you. That was awesome what you did to help those people. Most would have just driven by.

Maybe you can contact the police department and tell them you helped before they got there and that the image was very disturbing to you .. they may be able to offer you counseling to help you. I know after I was robbed they offered victim counseling. Just a thought .. or if you go to church, you can always talk to your priest/pastor. Plus, you can always talk to us.

02-27-2009, 09:22 PM
WOW!!! You are a rock girl! Thank you for helping those poor little boys. They will forever remember the wonderful stranger that was their to help them during this tragedy. Personally, I think you need to not focus so much on what you saw but what you did. That might help, if you kwim? Your kindness will forever be remembered. Everytime the image pops in your head, try to focus on something else. Thank God it wasn't one of the little boys. I wish you didn't have to see what you did, but glad those boys had someone that cared to help them out. I will pray that you can find some type of comfort in knowing you did right by those children. I will pray that those boys are ok and for the others involved in the wreck as well. My heart goes out to the deceased man's family. HUGS!!!

02-27-2009, 09:22 PM
Oh wow. I said a quick prayer for the family and you.

02-27-2009, 09:34 PM
I don't know what to tell you to help get it out of your mind. But what you did for those boys probably kept them from focusing on what happened to the man in the car. You cleaning the boy up I believe made it less bad for him. You probably saved him from many nightmares. Bless you for your kindness.

02-27-2009, 09:45 PM
I know exactly what and how your feeling. It takes time and the memories will fade. You must be very special to be in that location at that time, you were needed and you responded. That is what I would like you to remember, you did what you had to do. My thoughts and prayers to you and those in the accident.

02-28-2009, 03:02 AM
Thank you everyone for your prayers and support. It was so comforting to come here this morning and see all of your words. Thank you all!!!! Please continue to pray for the family involved.

I was able to catch the beginning of the 10 pm news last night. What I thought was a man in the back seat who had passed wasn't a man. He was an 11 year old boy. Which makes it all so much more horrible. He was so disfigured and swollen when I got there, I think that is why I thought he was older then what he was. Horrible. The three other boys involved where taken to the hospital but they didn't say if their injuries where bad or not. There wasn't a another driver...just the woman in the front seat. Thank god for that. I don't know if she is ok or not either. I will have to check the news later today.

I think that I will be contacting my church and the local police when I get home from work today. I might even seek counseling from the priest at my work today. I work at a nursing home so there is always someone there to talk to and I really think I need to talk with someone. I wasn't able to sleep last night especially after finding out it was a young boy that I saw. When I did sleep...I had the most terrifying nightmares. So horrible.

Thank you all again for letting me talk about this. It really did help last night to calm me down.


02-28-2009, 03:11 AM
If more people like yourself would get involved in tragic events in people's lives this world would be a much better place.

There's always time to slow down, show someone you care, take a moment to comfort a child.

You did what you felt was right in your heart. I'm sure those young men will remember you for the rest of their lives....someone to talk to, help them until other help arrived.

You were there for a reason. I'm sorry for what you saw.....however, I'm glad that you have a heart, compassion, mindset to stop and take care of someone truly in need.

There should be more people in this world like you....who give selfishly w/out thinking of yourself first.

02-28-2009, 05:41 AM
Unfortunately the memories will always be with you. They may fade after time. After 17 yrs. I still remember the sight of a a man who was hit right outside my home. The memory will always be there but hopefully its impact will lessen. Just remind yourself that you did the best you could under the circumstances. The world would be a lot better off if there were more people like you in it.

02-28-2009, 05:52 AM
:hug :grouphug :hug

02-28-2009, 06:43 AM
I am so sorry for the family. I am sorry for what you witnessed, but so many would just drive by. You may find that you need to talk about this with someone...you should go and get it checked out. I could not imagine how people work with the sick, dying and in situations like this day after day. You are a good soul...

02-28-2009, 08:20 AM
I think that I will be contacting my church and the local police when I get home from work today. I might even seek counseling from the priest at my work today. I work at a nursing home so there is always someone there to talk to and I really think I need to talk with someone. I wasn't able to sleep last night especially after finding out it was a young boy that I saw. When I did sleep...I had the most terrifying nightmares. So horrible.

Hugs to you and a very good idea on your part seeking out counseling to help you deal with the tragedy you saw, you talk about it all you need to!

02-28-2009, 08:58 AM
Something else to keep in mind and you may find comfort in it, you have the images that are haunting you in your mind, but those boys have the image of you in there mind because you helped them. That probably will have a lot to do with helping them cope with what happened and their loss.

You were the first "rescue" that they saw and you were a stranger that lent out a kind hand.

02-28-2009, 01:03 PM
Take comfort in the fact that you have the ability and desire to provide aid. Get counseling if you feel the need -- trauma affects those who experience it and those who provide the aid. And know that you are surrounded by love, and respected by those of us who may not have been able to do what you did. Prayers offered for the victims, their families, and for your peace of mind.

02-28-2009, 01:33 PM
Wow, how very sad. I am glad your grandmother is healing, and that you were there in the right place and time to help those kids. I am can just imagine how horrific it was to come upon that scene and saw what you saw. Take care of yourself.

03-01-2009, 01:08 AM
Bless you for taking charge in that situation and helping out to the best of your ability. I cannot even imagine seeing what you just discribed to us. I will pray for you and that poor family. (((HUGS)))