View Full Version : laptop computer help

02-26-2009, 08:38 PM
With our income tax return I am wanting to buy a laptop, my problem is I don't know what would be the best.

I am looking for cheap but good lol I plan on surfing web and maybe downloading pictures on it. We don't play games so that isn't a big deal.

Does anyone have any suggestions?

Thank you in advance

02-26-2009, 08:50 PM
I have an Acer Aspire 4330 from WalMart. Ned gave it to me for Christmas. I LOVE it. However, if I had picked one out myself, I probably would have went through Dell and got one from there simply so I could have "personalized" it, lol.

02-26-2009, 09:14 PM
I was also wondering about what I need for wireless internet...I have no idea lol

I was looking at the Acer's from walmart online...was kinda leaning towards one of those.

02-26-2009, 09:26 PM
The Acer comes with a wireless card installed. If you keep your eye out, you can get a decent wireless router for $25 or $30. You just have to have a desktop pc to use to configure the router. Make sure to put a password on your network or you will be supplying internet for everyone around you. (I can see the network next door, but they have a pasword so I cant get on) I havent touched my desktop since I got my router hooked up. I sit in my recliner and am online. I sit on the bed with Sophie when she is watching a movie and am online. I go outside with Sophie when she plays and am online. I LOVE my Acer.

I told Ned after 17+ years together, he did GOOD this past Christmas. I thank him for my Acer at least once a week. lol

02-26-2009, 09:35 PM
It doesn't matter what kind of wireless router I get? Does it matter that I have cable internet?

I know I am picking your brain lol sorry

02-26-2009, 09:38 PM
Nah. I have cable internet. It works great here. I have my router UNDER the keyboard tray INSIDE my computer cabinet with the doors closed and locked(with a childproof lock). I think I gave $34 for my router at Best Buy, but I bought one on Amazon for $24 last week for my mom.

02-26-2009, 09:40 PM

thank you so much for all the help!

02-26-2009, 09:46 PM
One MUST HAVE is a wireless optical mouse. You plug the usb transmitter into a USB port, then use the mouse.(works even if the port is on the left side and you use the mouse righthanded). I use mine on the recliner arm and then take the transmitter off the laptop and put it on the mouse when I am finished. It its a sight better than using the touchpad all of the time.

02-26-2009, 10:30 PM
Thank you for the heads up...I will make sure I look into getting one

Explorer 4x4'r
02-26-2009, 11:03 PM
One suggestion here:

Vista uses a lot of memory. Don't get one with less than 2GB.

I have an HP and love it

02-27-2009, 07:29 AM
If you don't want Vista - go through Dell and have them install it with XP. You have to call them to place the order to get it with XP but most of the time when you call to place the order you can get extra upgrades. I always go online and get the computer in my cart and then call them and they pull it up and make whatever changes I want.

02-27-2009, 09:30 AM
If you don't want Vista - go through Dell and have them install it with XP. You have to call them to place the order to get it with XP but most of the time when you call to place the order you can get extra upgrades. I always go online and get the computer in my cart and then call them and they pull it up and make whatever changes I want.

What a great idea. I have been toying with a new computer but don't want vista either.

02-27-2009, 01:15 PM
So I hear of people using them on long trips. How do you pick up the internet away from home. My son said a lot of places have it. But what about on a long trip. Can you pick up the internet in the car?

02-27-2009, 04:29 PM
One of the things to keep in mind is if it breaks can you find a service center in your area authorized to do repairs or do you have to send them out to be repaired. If sent out what is the turn around time. How long do you want to be without it.

Acers once out of warranty are hard to get parts for. Not sure about service centers.
Toshiba have local repair centers - you can go to their page and see if there is one in your area.
Dell's are great - but customer service is lacking.
HP's - in a consumer class you may be able to get repaired locally depending on the model. If you get a business class - any HP repair center can repair.
IBM/Lenovo also have local repair center.

Vista is not that bad. (ram is key - the more the better and it's getting pretty cheap) You can always change it to classic look to give you more of an XP look. Its just a matter of time before XP support ends and updates cease. Vista is easy to tweak to improve performance.

Dell and business class IBM/Lenovo and HP's certain models can be down graded to XP - essentially you have two legal operating systems. If you want you could use both and dual boot. Gives you the ability to play with Vista with out committing to it.

If I'm not mistaken laptops with Vista (may be certain versions) will be able to update to Windows 7 at no charge once it is released. And so far the beta version of Windows 7 has worked flawlessly for me.

02-27-2009, 05:03 PM
I was worried about using Vista, but I have had NO PROBLEMS AT ALL. I use XP at work and Vista at home.

02-27-2009, 05:08 PM
Hubby just got a Toshiba with our tax money. LOL He got his at Best Buy. We gave $650 for it. He loves it. I like alot of the new featurs on it. He does have Vista on it and the more he plays with it the better he likes it.

Asfor the internet question about going down the road I think you would have to subscribe to something wireless. About 3 years ago we had wireless with Cingular and you could use the internet where ever you got a signal. There is also WiFi internet alot of our restaraunts around here are offering that now.