View Full Version : Jon & Kate Plus 8 - Twins Turn 7 . TLC . 8:30pm

02-08-2009, 08:21 AM
Jon & Kate Plus 8 - Twins Turn 7 . TLC . 8:30pm

What was Jon shown doing in a room as Kate said that he was a big help to her?
Dressing the children to go out

What did Jon say that Collin did to Alexis at the “Gymboree” before he put him on a “time out”?
Hit her with a banana

What did Jon do when he consoled Hannah about her illness the morning of Mady and Cara’s birthday?
Declared she looked cute when she was sick
NOT-----Capri Sun

What did Jon do to reprimand Collin at the breakfast table that Kate didn’t agree with?
Sat him in a corner all by himself

What did one of the owners of the “Gymboree” do as Jon and Kate played with the children?
Revealed that they each had twin boys

What did Kate do when she thought that she misplaced the birthday cards that Jon’s aunt and uncle sent for the twins?
Took them out of the box with the presents

What did Kate and Jon say was their solution for Mady and Cara’s problem with needing to compete as they were shown opening presents?
Sitting them down back to back

What did Kate say the owners did to the children at the “Gymboree” before going home?
Put a stamp on their hands

02-08-2009, 12:48 PM
What did Jon do when he consoled Hannah about her illness the morning of Mady and Cara’s birthday?
Declared she looked cute when she was sick
Juicy Juice