View Full Version : school is closed tomorrow

01-27-2009, 10:21 PM
due to a winter storm watch in effect until 7:00 pm wednesday evening i really hope my work place is closed tomorrow too! that would really make my day, since there is 241 school closings i think i have a good chance my work place will not open in the morning i don't have to be at work till 3:00 pm any ways
i'm gonna have another beer and relax a while

01-27-2009, 10:27 PM
No school here tomorrow too.Funny thing is my older kids would have been cheering when they had no school,dd13 actually complains because she will miss out on seeing the cute boy.

01-27-2009, 10:32 PM
We're getting dumped on here too. Boss said before we left tonight he would call if its bad. I'm keeping my fingers crossed lol.

01-27-2009, 10:42 PM
Hmmmm, i wonder if it's heading this way?

01-27-2009, 10:43 PM
Im In Pittsburgh,pa.

01-27-2009, 10:46 PM
Oh okay, I just moved from that area lol. Enjoy it.

01-27-2009, 10:46 PM
We had snow today, the schools stayed open but canceled all bus service...of course they didn't mention that until around 8:15, after kids were already waiting at bus stops (I take mine anyways, but there were so many kids just standing there in the snow freezing, wondering why the bus hadn't shown up). My kids are tired of staying home for school days, they were glad it was still open.

Hopefully you all will get to stay home, especially if it's really bad out.

01-27-2009, 11:35 PM
Here too. A foot or more projected and I've been given the day off. I stayed late at work today and cancelled patients. The last time we did this the storm fizzled out, lol.

01-28-2009, 01:57 AM
We're getting dumped on here too. Boss said before we left tonight he would call if its bad. I'm keeping my fingers crossed lol.

Wish we were so lucky at work, but since we are heathcare we HAVE to be there or we get a point, half a point if we are late.

Today I will have to leave EARLY because we got crapped on last night and it's still comming down. School will be closed I'm sure because snow plows haven't even came down yet.

Mel, what? 10" we're supposed to get? By the looks of it, w'll get it.I'll be off the next two days, wish it was today though :(

01-28-2009, 03:58 AM
6-14 here supposedly, just started but should be worse by the afternoon commute, awesome

01-28-2009, 05:11 AM
As of right now there are 521 school closings, once again all other districts are closed, but not Cleveland! .. WTF is all I have to say. And not cause I want them to stay home today, it just looks horrible out there. And the news is saying there is more snow coming this morning.

ETA: 538 now closed and they STILL have school.

01-28-2009, 05:27 AM
Ours actually closed early this morning. Our super likes to keep you hanging til the last minute so you can't plan your day. I put the kid back to bed and left more than an hour early so I could make it down the mountain before the ice got any worse. I love the snow but what's up with this ice? I live in PA, isn't that bad enough already?

01-28-2009, 05:41 AM
546 schools closed and you guessed it .. NOT Cleveland. I just went to start my car and there is a buttload of snow out there! We will be leaving here soon, I think I'll put some snow shoes on my car .. lol.

Our super can't let us hang any longer cause the first bell rang 2 minutes ago and the last one rings in 18 minutes.

ETA: 569 schools closed and I just got home from driving mine to school! .. It is HORRIBLE out there and it's still coming down. Another 4-5 inches are possible .. this stuff isn't letting up until between noon and 1PM.

01-28-2009, 06:29 AM
Our school is closed too. They wait til the last second to close. I was going to keep them home if they weren't going to cancel. My 7 year old's afternoon bus driver sucks at driving. The last time we were getting precip. she ended up in a ditch and my son didn't get home til after 5pm.

01-28-2009, 06:32 AM
Misty, I saw that on the news. I can't believe Cleveland didn't close in this weather. It is crazy! It is coming down here like mad here. I'm sorry you and your kids have to get out in it. Be really careful.

01-28-2009, 06:41 AM
I dont want to brag but it was almost 80 here yesterday...LOL
Just as high today 78

01-28-2009, 07:15 AM
Misty, I saw that on the news. I can't believe Cleveland didn't close in this weather. It is crazy! It is coming down here like mad here. I'm sorry you and your kids have to get out in it. Be really careful.

It is crazy out there. I made it there and back safely, but it's a mess. A "major snow event," yet we had school .. wonderful huh? Oh and now they are saying 4-6 inches and a clipper is expected to come through after this! I need to turn off the news .. lol.

I dont want to brag but it was almost 80 here yesterday...LOL
Just as high today 78

I checked the Fort Myers Beach webcam this AM and I am so ready to jump on a plane .. but visibility is low so I doubt planes are flying out anytime soon .. but we had school!! Go figure. Enjoy your day Sunflowers, I know I would if I was there .. lol.

01-28-2009, 07:32 AM
School and my office are closed today (and yesterday)

The sun is finally out today, so I hope it melts the ice enough for everyone to be where they belong tomorrow.

01-28-2009, 08:11 AM
Misty, I can't believe Cleveland had school. That is just crazy. There are no schools opened around here. You should have called your own snow day.

Call the board at Cleveland School and find out why the hell they don't close.

01-28-2009, 09:06 AM
Well... y'all can make fun of us southerners now. We got about a quarter inch of ice in the DFW and surrounding areas... most of the schools are closed until atleast 10am but alot closed all day.

01-28-2009, 09:19 AM
No school here today either.. Got up (ok not really) at 5:30 and squinted at the tv until Providence showed no school. As soon as I saw Pawtucket had no school I knew we didn't either.. So I slept in :)

01-28-2009, 09:24 AM
We're waiting for it to hit us here in Maine http://www.photoaide.com/img/em/w.gif

01-28-2009, 10:23 AM
Misty, I can't believe Cleveland had school. That is just crazy. There are no schools opened around here. You should have called your own snow day.

Call the board at Cleveland School and find out why the hell they don't close.

They JUST closed!! .. Can you believe it? .. I have to go get them. That is BS. And it is worse out now than this morning.

And I don't call my kids off school. Unless it's offically closed, they are going. That is just how I am.

01-28-2009, 10:26 AM
I try to send mine but I am the final decision maker. I will not put my kids in danger just because the super has his head up his butt.

01-28-2009, 10:57 AM
I had to come to work! So far no clients lol. But several people have come to pick up checks. So I am getting paid to play on internet. Sweet!!!!!

01-28-2009, 11:03 AM
I try to send mine but I am the final decision maker. I will not put my kids in danger just because the super has it head up his butt.

My kids weren't in danger.

Urban Cowgirl
01-28-2009, 12:17 PM
Where are you guys living ? I am surprised they would close this early.

01-28-2009, 12:43 PM
I live in Cleveland, Ohio .. and they should have closed like @ 6AM this morning .. not Noon!

We got a lot of snow out there. This morning, we were only 4 inches away from beating the all time snow fall for January, and I am sure we beat that. They also closed one of the major interstates.