View Full Version : If it is that darn hard to deliver mail

01-20-2009, 06:56 AM
Then why don't you get another job?

I just got off the phone with the post office. The mail person has continuously folded, spindled and mutilated my mail since I have been living here. We have community mail boxes that are the little cubes. For most days that works fine, but every once in awhile I will come home to a mail box packed so full that you rip up half the stuff trying to get it out. Wouldn't it just be easier on those days to bring it to the house?

My other issue is packages. Either they are made to fit into the box and you have to tear them open to get them out, or they are left on top of the car, no matter the weather. I ordered books from a member here. The day they were delivered I got home just as the bottom dropped out raining, and they were on top of mom's car. I have seen the mail carrier do this, she will pull up and blow the horn, if no one runs out to her, she just opens her car door and throws in the general direction of whichever car happens to be in the yard.

I have called the post office so many times, nothing has been done.

I called again this morning, as soon as they opened at 8:30. I told the lady that I had been calling repeatedly, and nothing had changed. She said that I need to get a bigger mailbox, that they aren't responsible for bringing mail to my door when it wont fit in my box. I explained to her that we have community boxes, getting a larger box is not an option, and that is it only about once a month that the mail wont fit in the box. And why couldn't the carrier just place the mail IN the car, or bring it to the door when that happens. Of course, that isn't possible. As far as packages, she said the mail carrier is obligated to deliver those either, and that I can either deal with things as they are, or get a PO box, or just pick up my mail at the post office daily.

Whats wrong with this picture?

01-20-2009, 07:01 AM
We have those boxes also. If something doesn't fit, they are supposed to take it to the leasing office and leave it. Sometimes they do but you know when I ordered an 25.00 comic book, she folded it in half to cram it it in the box. She has to go to the office anyway, to deliver the office mail & pick up outgoing after she does our boxes so it wasn't like she would have had to make a special trip or anything.

01-20-2009, 07:07 AM
We have those boxes also. If something doesn't fit, they are supposed to take it to the leasing office and leave it. Sometimes they do but you know when I ordered an 25.00 comic book, she folded it in half to cram it it in the box. She has to go to the office anyway, to deliver the office mail & pick up outgoing after she does our boxes so it wasn't like she would have had to make a special trip or anything.
Yeah, my mail person folded my 70$ lab book for anatomy and made it fit in my box. I was good and ill. Even now my book doesn't lay flat.

01-20-2009, 07:13 AM
And while I am on the subject of mail...

Why does an ebay seller tell you the item has been shipped, give you a confirmation #, and then when you go to track it, it says:

The U.S. Postal Service was electronically notified by the shipper on 1/12/2009 to expect your package for mailing. This does not indicate receipt by the USPS or the actual mailing date.

Just because you tell the post office you are going to ship the item, does not mean that it has been shipped. And then why wait and ship the package a week after you tell the post office that you are going to ship it?

01-20-2009, 07:32 AM
Sorry for your troubles. We have a wonderful mail carrier. If we have something that wont fit they deliver to the house. If it even looks like rain they will put it in a plastic bag.

01-20-2009, 07:40 AM
According to the USPS website:

Carrier Release for Uninsured Parcels
An uninsured parcel may not be left in an unprotected place, such as a porch or stairway, unless the addressee has filed a written order, or the mailer has endorsed the parcel "Carrier—Leave If No Response." The endorsement must appear directly below the return address as specified in 402.2.0 and 402.3.0.

Is your group mailbox owned and maintained by the USPS or is it owned and maintained by an HOA or Apartment? If it is the former, then the USPS need to provide for parcel boxes. If it is the latter, the HOA or the Apartment is responsible.

Apartment house mail receptacles must be approved by the USPS. The purchase, installation, maintenance, and replacement of mail receptacles, boxes, or parcel lockers are not the responsibility of the USPS except for neighborhood delivery and collection boxes and parcel lockers authorized by the USPS to be owned and maintained by the USPS.

01-20-2009, 07:50 AM
We also have community boxes but we also have 8 parcel boxes, so if something is too big for the mailbox, it goes there. My problem is our mail carrier all too often puts mail in the wrong box. And some of the folks here in the park see that the mail they got isn't there and they throw it away....or keep it, depending on what it is. I mean, it isn't that hard to put the mail into the outgoing mailbox or..god forbid..deliver it themselves. The park isn't that big.

Our mail carrier also delivers mail to the homes of people who are not able to pick it up themselves.....not leave it on their car. Seems to me if it's undeliverable, they should take it back to the PO with them and leave you a note in your mailbox to pick it up. That's what they used to do.

01-20-2009, 08:37 AM
Sorry about that. We have a terrible mail person as well. At a minimum of one time per week, we get the wrong mail. And we regularly miss mail. So I guess people get ours and just decide not to forward it on.

DH and I met a retired postal worker and he told us that once a person complains, the USPS is supposed to notify the carrier of that and something special (can't recall the term) is placed on your address to make the mail person aware of your previous problems. They never did that when we complained as it has just gotten worse.

Also, I found out that the postal worker knows a few of the people in this neighborhood and has discussed mail with people. For example, on couple's son was in prison and he told someone that they got mail from the prison. Also, he has discussed the number of international mailings that a house was getting, when there was rumors of them possibly dealing drugs.

01-20-2009, 10:28 AM
We have problems with our mail all the time. No amount of complaining does any good. My husband used to get his paycheck in the mail. One week it didn't come and I called the post office. We live in a private alley, we are the only house here. The post master actually argued with me about where my house. was. he insisted we were off of a road that is down below us. I told him I know where I live and he told me obvioulsy I didn't. A lot of times my husband or son will send for catalogs or I will see people post here that they got freebies I have signed up for and I don't get them. I have a feeling our mail is going to the street below us and they are keeping it.

01-20-2009, 11:19 AM
I would call the postmaster general. They are NOT supposed to leave anything on a car. When I lived in Calif, our mail carrier didnt even look like a mailcarrier.He wore cut off jeans, a baseball cap, etc. He never picked up our outgoing mail UNLESS he had mail to give us.
When I called and complained, they said they dont HAVE to pick up outgoing mail unless they delivered mail. So I called the postmaster general in San Francisco. He said that was true,they dont have to pick up, BUT the Post office got in big trouble for how their carriers looked, and how they delivered.

01-20-2009, 11:49 AM
Usually our mailman is really good about mail and packages. I hate when we have a sub because they will just put the packages on the door and not even bother knocking (once they put it on my back porch and I had no idea it was there until we went out there a few days later)...once I heard him throw it on the porch - it broke the penis cookies Shann sent me so I was really not happy but how do you complain about that to the post office? lol.
When this one lady delivers mail, 95% of the mail is for people on my block or even a few streets over. When I hand it back to her and tell her it's not the right address she acts like I'm the laziest person on Earth for not giving it to the right address for her.
I'm sorry you have to deal with that and that you aren't getting any resolution to the problem from the post office.

01-20-2009, 12:22 PM
I'm pretty sure I get all my mail but I only get mail about 3 times a week. I used to get mail 6 days a week, now half that. What ticks me off is I used to get the sale ads on wednesday because the sales started on thursday. Now I'm lucky if I get the ads by friday. Usually I get them saturday after dh has left for work. I also get my mail anywhere from 10 am to 3 pm. So I get to check the mail box 3-4 times before I finally give up.

Urban Cowgirl
01-20-2009, 12:38 PM
My PO has been given specific instructions....if the mail carrier is too lazy to bring packages to my door then they are to leave a notice in my box and I will pick it up at the PO.

What I love..for a while they were putting my mail in my Mom's box ....we don't even have the same last name! Its not that I care if she see's my mail, but she only sorts through hers once or twice a week, I do mine daily. When we built here the PO was very specific that they would not deliver any of my mail until I had my own box. LMAO Then they thought they would take a short cut and use one box.

01-20-2009, 12:43 PM
I hate our community boxes at the corner. At least when we had our own box in front of our house the mailcarrier took the time to come to the door to deliver the big items that didn't fit. Now it's all jammed in. It does have a larger area for packages but if the package is bigger then they come to the door with it and tell me off. HECK I DIDN'T EVEN KNOW A PACKAGE WAS COMING TO ME. And what is wrong with taking it back to the post office and leave a note to tell me it will be waiting for me to pick up?

When we lived in an apartment the mailcarrier would call me and I would go get a package. They should go back to delivering mail to the house mail box then maybe they wouldn't complain so much. The easier the post office makes it for the carriers the more they b----.

01-20-2009, 12:48 PM
A few weeks ago, I stopped by the mailbox at lunch. As I pulled up to the community boxes, I noticed a big stack of mail just sitting on top of the mail boxes.

I grabbed it, went back to work and called the post office. He drove to my work to pick it up.

The sad thing was, it included SSI checks, one from Family Support, and a bunch of other bills and so on.

01-20-2009, 12:51 PM
People need the direct deposit for any checks. Heck, it's not only thieves taking checks it's the post office not delivering them right. Bet they would have blow away if you didn't get them.

01-20-2009, 06:41 PM
And while I am on the subject of mail...

Why does an ebay seller tell you the item has been shipped, give you a confirmation #, and then when you go to track it, it says:

The U.S. Postal Service was electronically notified by the shipper on 1/12/2009 to expect your package for mailing. This does not indicate receipt by the USPS or the actual mailing date.

Just because you tell the post office you are going to ship the item, does not mean that it has been shipped. And then why wait and ship the package a week after you tell the post office that you are going to ship it?

I have had that happen on items I shipped an items I was to recieve, sometimes when you print your shipping label from paypal I have noticed that it may not show any updated tracking info until it has been delivered, which has me on pins an needles for 4 days waiting since the package was not insured, I dont know why but it does happen with paypal printed labels alot.

And to your first comment, I'm sorry to hear this, I have a regular mailbox in front of my house and my mail carrier is just flat out lazy, they honk the horn an wait 5-10 secs, well with 2 toddlers in the house I cant just run out without making sure what their doing, they will drive off an I have to go to the post office for it, they dont even try the next day they leave a notice in my box. We do have a female carrier that fills in for him she tosses stuff on my porch, I guess the 8steps to the top take too long.

01-20-2009, 07:05 PM
My Mail Was Getting Stolen From My Mail Box,so I Got A P.o. Box And For 3 Years Now I Still Get Alot Of Other Peoples Mail In It-and If Thats Not Bad Enough,my Ex And I Have Been Separated ,dIvorced For 11 Years Now,and They Put His Mail In My P.o Box,he Also Lives In A Different Town,then Me-so I Can Understand Your Frustrations.

01-20-2009, 09:23 PM
...so I am wondering... I have sent you 1 package and 1 envelope in the last 2 weeks... you didn't say anything, so did you get them???

or do I have to file a complaint too? (I know our mailpeople sent it -- our local people are ok about boxes and stuffs)

01-20-2009, 09:33 PM
I haven't gotten anything in the past 2 weeks except for my memory card for my camera and my train from Summer.

01-20-2009, 09:57 PM
Sorry for your troubles. We have a wonderful mail carrier. If we have something that wont fit they deliver to the house. If it even looks like rain they will put it in a plastic bag.


01-21-2009, 05:21 AM
I live litereally blocks from my PO and they lost a pacakge of mine. I was furious. Had DC and it said it was Delivered. I had to get up, myself, and find my own package by going house to house...for blocks. The postmaster was not helpful at all, but sure was running in circles when I finally showed him my pacakge was infact misdelivered and OPENED. The guy claimed his dog opened the box....uh...with a knife? Because the cut was perfect!

01-21-2009, 08:20 AM
I saw this today. I thought it was appropriate for this thread.


01-21-2009, 10:45 AM
We had a local carrier here 2 years ago stealing gift cards at christmas time.

01-26-2009, 02:09 AM



01-26-2009, 05:50 AM
I have a DC that says a package was delivered on Friday, but it wasn't in my box nor had they taken it to the leasing office. SO I get to deal with the PO today.

01-26-2009, 07:30 AM
Saturday, I opened my mailbox to find it stuffed full. Out of 15 pieces of mail one was mine. I am headed to the post office this morning with the mail, including a check, insurance documents, three bills and two W2's.

01-26-2009, 08:21 AM
Saturday, I opened my mailbox to find it stuffed full. Out of 15 pieces of mail one was mine. I am headed to the post office this morning with the mail, including a check, insurance documents, three bills and two W2's.

Hey did ya get my package too? :D

Maybe the carrier thought you could help deliver that for her?

01-26-2009, 09:05 AM
Hey did ya get my package too? :D

Maybe the carrier thought you could help deliver that for her?

Yeah, I did. You are a naughty naughty girl.......

Normally I would just deliver it, but it has gotten beyond rediculous.

01-26-2009, 09:42 AM
Yeah, I did. You are a naughty naughty girl.......

Normally I would just deliver it, but it has gotten beyond rediculous.

OMG, did you open it?? Hope you weren't embarrassed! :dancing:

01-26-2009, 09:57 AM
OMG, did you open it?? Hope you weren't embarrassed! :dancing:

No. Impressed maybe. Embarassed, no.

01-26-2009, 07:15 PM
we mailed a check from home to our bank 15 miles away to be deposied on Dec 26, it finally got to the bank on Jan 21. Also, usps says they delivered my victorias secret order here today. I haven't seen anythng, think the mailman is stealing from me again, usually happens every 6 months or so until i complain enough about it at the po

01-26-2009, 08:47 PM
So, I just got in and checked the mail, there was a notice saying that I have a package to pick up at the post office. No big deal, I just stuck it above the visor to pick up when I go out tomorrow.

No big deal, until I get in the house that is. That's when Mom told me that she heard someone knock on the door, but when she got there no one was there, but she saw the mail truck in the yard. Mom walked out the door and down the steps and was right next to the mail truck, when they backed out and left. Mom said she shouted and waved and that the carrier turned around and waved at her. That just ticks me off even more that they drove off like that after Mom made it all the way out there. She has been having a rough few days with her fibromyalgia, and then for the mail b!^&* to pull some chit like that, after the post office had already said that they would just leave a card cause they didn't want to come to the house.

If you hear an explosion in the morning, don't worry, it's only me blowing up at the post office. They will see me first thing in the morning, and it wont be pretty.

01-26-2009, 09:17 PM
yay!!! that probably means the box I shipped you is there!!!

now I don't have to wonder who the hell is snacking on it!!