View Full Version : Carrie . CW . 8pm

01-12-2009, 06:16 AM
Carrie . CW . 8pm

What did Carrie White do to Margaret White when she was dissuaded from leaving with Tommy Ross?
Pushed her onto the bed

What did Margaret White do to Carrie White to rid her of the sin associated with the feminine issue she underwent in school that day?
Locked her in a closet

What did Carrie White do at home after she left the prom?
Washed the blood from off her body

What did Carrie White do outside that caused a female classmate to slap her head with a hat?
Failed to hit a volleyball

What did Billy Nolan do when driving with Chris Hargensen after realizing a police officer had pulled up beside him?
Tossed an alcoholic beverage on the floor

What did Miss Collins make Chris Hargensen do during gym class when reprimanding her for taunting Carrie White?
Spit out her chewing gum

What did Carrie White do through her thoughts after Chris Hargensen and Billy Nolan poured pig’s blood on her as prom queen?
Electrocuted a man holding a microphone

What did Norma Watson do while she kissed Freddy DeLois at the prom?
Kicked the collected ballots under a curtain

What did Carrie White do to Sue Snell in a dream that Sue was having?
Grabbed her hand from out of a grave

What did Carrie White tell Freida Jason she did when she entered the prom with Tommy?
Made the dress that she wore

What did Margaret White do to Carrie White at dinner after Carrie said Tommy Ross invited her to the prom?
Dragged her off of a chair by her hair

In a movie commercial, what happened to a troubled teenage girl after she met her father's new girlfriend?
Had frightening visions that led her to suspect that the girlfriend was a murderer
The Uninvited

In a DVD commercial, what did a cartoon scientist’s assistant do with the help of his sidekicks?
Conducted an experiment to prove that he was an evil genius

01-12-2009, 03:44 PM
What did Carrie White do after she left the prom in her bloodstained dress?
Returned home to find the place filled with hundreds of lit candles