View Full Version : Million Dollar Listing "Epiphanies" 12/30 6:00 4600-5100+ pts.

12-31-2008, 02:49 AM

What did Madison Hildebrand do after showing the land to two agents?
*Called a former girlfriend

What did the inspector do when he talked to Irene about the property?
*Told her there was no air conditioning

What did Madison Hildebrand say he needed to do while he was talking to Lauren?
*Focus on being a friend

What did Chad Rogers say he worked hard to do before he took a buyer to a property in the Malibu Colony?
*Maintain relationships with clients

What did Madison Hildebrand say he did that was a milestone in his career?
*Received his first double-digit listing

What did Cathy do for Judith when Chad Rogers brought her to his mom's house?
*Baked a celebratory cake

What did Chad Rogers and Victoria do while Rogers talked about what he was thankful for?
*Rode in a helicopter

What did Simon, the photographer, do while looking at a new property with Ashley and Madison Hildebrand?
*Compared the foundation size to a hill

What did Miguel say he did immediately after he saw the property?
*Knew it wasn't right because of the view

What did Victoria ask Chad Rogers to do while they were sitting near the water?
*Move into her house

What did Josh Flagg do because work was getting on his nerves?
*Traveled out of town with his grandmother

What did Chad Rogers do to Josh Flagg after the interview at the photo shoot?
*Showed him a stack of correspondence

What did Madison Hildebrand say he needed to do while he was talking to Lauren?
*Focus on being a friend

What did Madison Hildebrand say he did that was a milestone in his career?
*Received his first double-digit listing
*Land Rover

What did Chad Rogers and Victoria do while Rogers talked about what he was thankful for?
*Rode in a helicopter

What did Simon, the photographer, do while looking at a new property with Ashley and Madison Hildebrand?
*Compared the foundation size to a hill?

What did Josh Flagg do because work was getting on his nerves?
*Traveled out of town with his grandmother

09-08-2009, 09:07 PM
Repeat -9/8/09