View Full Version : Thank you! Christmas Cards for Soldiers

12-19-2008, 09:07 AM
Thank you to everyone who sent me out cards. I have attached pictures to show all of you how many boxes were filled to go to the men and women of the military who are so honorably serving our country.

Between the cards I recieved from the fantastic members here, and the two boxes I had set up in my town, we got over 500 cards. We also managed to get over $3,000 in donations to fill the boxes and buy toys for the kids of military members, along with donations of items for the boxes.

The picture with the stockings includes 20 that my DD paid for with her own money.

U.S. Army SPC. Dallas Hanson sits on top of 150 Christmas gift packages ready to be sent out by the Grand Valley Blue Star Mothers. Each box contained a filled Christmas Stocking, cards, gifts, snacks and toiletries. The boxes were headed overseas to Servicemen and Women. The Blue Star Mothers packed the boxes on November 22nd. They also wrapped toys for the children in military families in the Grand Valley. (see below)



12-19-2008, 09:32 AM
Wow, that's really great of you guys to do for the servicemen and women. I bet they'll love getting those packages and stockings.

12-19-2008, 09:40 AM
Wow! That's awesome!! Good job!

12-19-2008, 10:29 AM
Thats probably the best thing I have seen this Christmas. Thank YOU for all you do to help.

12-19-2008, 11:01 AM
God Bless you for doing this!!! *HUGS*

12-19-2008, 11:07 AM
God Bless you and your family, what a wonderful thing to do for Christmas. How often do you send packages to the men and women overseas?

12-19-2008, 11:34 AM
The Blue Star Mothers try to send out packages for each of the major Holidays. My next card drive is Valentines Day, then Easter. The 4th of July is another big one, Thanksgiving too.

12-19-2008, 08:54 PM
wow , glad to of help