View Full Version : What we did last night

12-14-2008, 11:29 AM
I live in a small village-5 blocks N&S and 5 blocks E&W. Well we live on the corner 5th street and the only other house on our block is a house on the other corner. When the wind blows here, it really blows. We do have good windows but with wind that strong, you can still feel it, especially since my computer is in front of the west window. Decided to get thermal drapes for in here. HA looking for drapes that don't cost a fortune and you like means many trips to town (10 miles away) and checking out online. After I got these I decided best get some new ones for living room and master bedroom. OK, so we had this shopping marathon, and I am not a great shopper. Yesterday we were gone all day but did get the drapes and hooks--happy happy joy joy. Then I am online last night and see that Walmart has a Sharp 32 inch LCD TV going on sale today for $398.00--good price and we need one for bedroom. Called up the store and only 5 per store and yes at the stroke of midnight they would be brought out. We get there at 11PM and talk to the clerk, he says since we were the first ones there we would be getting one and we could shop through the store to kill time. Well we waited in electronics for a bit but alot of people were coming there, so we started to snoop around the store. On the piped music here is Elvis singing Blue Christmas, so I looked around-nobody around so DH and I started dancing and smooching. Song over, we go down to the shoe dept. and a country song comes up-nobody around so we start line dancing. We had a ball, until DH tells me he wonders what the people who check the video camera's are going to think. Oh well, they will just see a couple having a good time at Wally world!!!:dancing: :dancing: :dancing:

12-14-2008, 11:46 AM
What fun you had! Good for you!

12-14-2008, 12:35 PM
OMG, that is love! Glad you had fun and got the TV :D

12-14-2008, 12:54 PM
It's those kind of moments that makes the bond stronger I think.

12-14-2008, 02:46 PM
Hubby and I do that kind of stuff all the time. Usually he initiates the hug, dance and then the big dip with a kiss. Nobody has ever said anything negative to us about it, except my youngest son one time said he was embarrassed about it. When he went to school a few days later he got lots of positive feedback from the dean and another teacher and his coach. Then he was ok with it. We tell him life is too short not to have fun and show those you care about the love they deserve.


12-14-2008, 02:47 PM
LOL watch out you tube.................

12-14-2008, 02:51 PM
I'd rather them see me and hubby doing that on the security cameras than what they'd normally see when Mike and I go shopping together. With us its usually Mike looking around to make sure no one is in the aisle, then looking to make sure I am behind him, him lifting a leg a little and then me waving my hand in front of my face. If they could hear the audio they'd also hear Mike going "eww Jen, what did you eat!?" :lol