View Full Version : help,my cat goes crazy when moving..

12-13-2008, 07:11 AM
I have this fatty catty,I got her when she was wild under a trailor at about 5 weeks old,she also went thru Katrina and has got a pysco problem,she is scared of everything,if I bring in a pic,she runs into hiding for 20 or more hours,if she hears a loud thump she crouchs down and makes a run for it,
if someone comes into the house she doesnt know,she goes into hiding,and the Huge problem,when we move,she freaks out,a new home she sees as hell on earth,she is going to go spastic,is there anything I can do to make this easier? How can I make this adjustment for her a kind and gentle one? Im only moving about 5 miles away but the cat carrier is a horror story for her,and when she gets in the new house I know when released shes going to go make a mad dash into hiding,and Ill be hunting for her and worry myself sick over where she is.
Any helpful ideas will mean alot.
any thing I can give her in my cupboard that will relax her?

12-13-2008, 07:27 AM
Don't know of anything to help calm her unless you went to the vet for something.
But I would suggest when you get to the new house with her put her in a room with the door closed, with food and water and leave her there for a couple days till she settles some. Go in and check on her several times a day and give her attention. I'm sure going through Katrina really had an impact on her.

12-13-2008, 08:01 AM
Cat nip always mellowed out my cat. Don't know if that would work or if it is really a good thing for your kitty.

12-13-2008, 09:25 AM
Put butter on her paws. When she licks it off, she will also be licking off the scent of the new place. It will help her adjust. I know it sounds silly, but it works. (If the new place has carpet, lock her in the bathroom so she doesn't make grease marks on the carpet.)

12-13-2008, 09:35 AM
Catnip made my cats go nuts. When I had cats, one of them would always go bonkers when we went to the vet's. She'd poop and pee in the carrier...she was a mess when we got there. I finally got a sedative that I would give to her awhile before we left. No more trauma for her.

Ask your vet...see what he says. Your poor baby has been through more than most people go through. I can see why it's hard to know what to do for her.

12-13-2008, 09:38 AM
Catnip in "special places" of your new home will help. Also the butter trick will do the trick. Aggie brought home a wild cat about 4 years ago. I tried both Catnip and butter to get him adjusted to being inside, with people. It took a couple of weeks from him being in the outdoors for so long but it did work.

I also would put cat treats around the house for him to find while he was hiding out in the house in different places. If he wanted more he finally figured out that if he came to where a person was he'd get a treat. Max now knows where his food, treats, litter are kept. He has no problems now telling you to get him something. He'll stand/sit, wait til you get it.

Max still runs, hides sometimes but not as much as he used to.

Good luck.

12-13-2008, 11:14 AM
These sound like great suggestions- GL with the move and miss kitty!

12-13-2008, 12:51 PM
Thank you all very much,Ill do the butter thing,put some cat nip out in the room and a few treats here and there,all are very good ideas,Im willing to try anything to help my baby girl. huge thanks!!!

12-13-2008, 01:49 PM
Yep cats love catnip. Also feathers. I KNow we have a cat that hides ALOT. We don't know why. But he will play with a fishing pole we stuck in a chair with feathers on it. He even likes the one with a tiny little bell on it. You can also buy alot of toys with catnip in them. Get it comfortable with catnip toys. then when you move and put them around the next house they are familiar.

12-13-2008, 06:29 PM
hmmm,my cat likes to carry around bread ties,lol,no clue,Ill have to get a few and put them around too,you guys are great with the ideas tyvm.

12-13-2008, 06:31 PM
GNC sells a product (maybe Petco, too) called Rescue Remedy. It is specifically to be used to calm animals down in stressful situations. It is a spray that you spray on their tongues.

Hope that helps and good luck.

12-13-2008, 06:32 PM
lol,might be a good idea,ill say ok open up and say ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh,like the breath spray,it sounds like.
Thanks hon.

12-13-2008, 06:57 PM
Cats are just plain strange. I know when I take my 2 furkids to the Vet, my boy likes to sit shotgun in the front seat while my baby girl prefers the cat carrier.
Cats do get stressed easily. Mine run when they hear the doorbell too. Of course if they know the person at the door they will soon come out for some PDA time.