View Full Version : Well! He is being decent about it.

12-11-2008, 05:51 AM
Just got a registered letter today from Hubby. It had a noterized statement, drawn up by a lawyer, stating the amount he was going to pay each month until the kids turn 21, then the amount he was willing to pay me after that. It is $1800/mo OVER what we had agreed on. I hope he sticks to it! I feel a bit better knowing HE took the step to get it all in writing, and sounds like he is trying to be fair.

12-11-2008, 06:01 AM
I glad to see that he is at least going to be financially responsible.

12-11-2008, 06:56 AM
Good step. One question, is there anything in there about helping to pay for actitivies or college or are you suppose to pay for those things out of the money you get for child support. Just wanted you to cover all your bases.

12-11-2008, 07:04 AM
At least he is making an effort. I pray that he keeps his word and does what he says. You deserve it.

12-11-2008, 07:34 AM
Do not forget to get insurance coverage for the kids, also, that he pay 50% of all out of pocket expenses.

12-11-2008, 07:47 AM
You do know that the paperwork he had drawn up is only temporary and you can get it modified when you go to court for divorce right?..No judge signed that form right? If not it means crap, even if it's notarized. Notary's aren't judges.
Make sure you draw up what YOU want for the kids and make sure the judge hears it..

12-11-2008, 08:24 AM
Wow $1800 OVER what you agreed on?I would be happy with just have of that.With $1800 I could quit my job and stay some with my son.

12-11-2008, 08:59 AM
Make sure it is part of the divorce agreement!! If it isn't, it's not worth the paper it is written on, he can come back and say that isn't my signature.

Also make sure in the divorce agreement that he is liable for any court costs including payment to YOUR attorney that if he defaults on the divorce agreement and you need to bring the matter to court, that HE must pay the cost

12-11-2008, 09:03 AM
Make sure it is part of the divorce agreement!! If it isn't, it's not worth the paper it is written on, he can come back and say that isn't my signature.

You have to show ID to get something notarized, he cannot come back and say that's not his signature.

12-11-2008, 09:16 AM
You do know that the paperwork he had drawn up is only temporary and you can get it modified when you go to court for divorce right?..No judge signed that form right? If not it means crap, even if it's notarized. Notary's aren't judges.
Make sure you draw up what YOU want for the kids and make sure the judge hears it..

I agree -- get it before a judge to have an order of support put into court record.

Just because it is a note that is notarized doesn't mean he MUST follow it, nor would that make him legally liable!!

AND make sure that there is a stipulation in there that he MUST pay for 50% of all out-of-pocket expenses for DENTAL, MEDICAL, VISION!!

Also -- what about visitation, holidays, rotation, etc???

If he is in another state and wants to see the kids... WHO exactly pays for their transportation?

The law says that child support is until the children are 18 years old or until they are 21 IF they live at home while they are going to school...if your children go off to school and are above age 18, then child support stops.

12-11-2008, 09:27 AM
I have never been divorced, but I have been around enough family and friends that have. ANd I agree with all of this advice!! You want EVERYTHING he put on that paper in the divorce decree!! ANd make sure you don't forget anything cause once its final you can't go back and say its something we agreed to and it just didn't come up in the divorce. Its to late then.
I would sit down and make a list before you go to court etc. JMHO.

12-11-2008, 09:42 AM
Also, if you have joint credit accounts and he agrees to pay for his portion, and you pay for yours, even when ordered by a judge, it doesn't mean diddly to the creditors. If he does not pay, they will come after you unless they agree to the division of responsibility. This is a hard lesson I learned that I am still paying for 12 years later.

12-11-2008, 11:26 AM
Thanx all for your support and good advice!

12-11-2008, 02:11 PM
Also, if you have joint credit accounts and he agrees to pay for his portion, and you pay for yours, even when ordered by a judge, it doesn't mean diddly to the creditors. If he does not pay, they will come after you unless they agree to the division of responsibility. This is a hard lesson I learned that I am still paying for 12 years later.

Lesson learned here too. If you have joint accounts, call the creditors and TAKE YOURSELF OFF THE ACCOUNTS!! Otherwise, you'l get farked in the behind. Men are usually always nice AT FIRST because of their quilt...but once he is with a woman, married or living with her it will change...because she will be involved in his thinking.

12-11-2008, 02:14 PM
If you are in a community property state, even if your name is not on the account, if the debt was incurred before the divorce is final (or if you can file a legal seperation) you are legally responsible for all debts incurred while you are married.