View Full Version : Celebrity Rehab with Dr. Drew 11/06 9:00 VH1

11-07-2008, 05:27 PM
What did Tawny tell Dr. Drew that he made her do after he congratulated Nikki for coming into the group session?
Get a case of goose bumps

What did Jeff do when he told Luisha Zeviar that he couldn't take the pain of being in rehab anymore?
Shouted out the number for the police

What did Dr. Drew say that patients did every morning to begin their day?
Practice a simple meditation technique

What did Steven tell Luisha Zeviar that he did which was why he woke up in the middle of the night?
Experienced a dream that freaked him out

What did Steven tell Dr. Drew that his stepfather did to him at the age of eleven which was causing him so much pain?
Kicked him out of the house

What did Jeff do which got Vicki mad when she went to his room to tell him how she felt?
Made a noticeable yawning sound

What did Jeff do that Lluisha Zeviar told him he wasn't allowed to do?
Communicated to his girlfriend against her door

What did Gary do to the cameraman after he told him that he wanted to talk to Amber and Tawny in private?
Pushed him out of the way

What did Gary randomly do as he was sitting outside with Tawny?
Made bizarre bird all noises

What did Vicki tell Jeff she did which was why she was having anxiety attacks?
Stopped receiving her medications

In a sponsored segment, what were several men and women doing in succession before an announcer urged viewers to go to a Web site to receive more information about substance abuse?
Mouthing and silently screaming the word help while standing in front of walls