View Full Version : Survivor Gabon: Apple in the Garden of Eden 11/6 8:00 CBS

11-07-2008, 05:02 PM
What did Marcus tell crystal that no one did anymore becasue she kept messing up in challenges?
Believed she was intimidating

What did Marcus convince the tribes to do with the immunity idol that he said would make it easier to control the game?
Throw it into the ocean

What did Matty say Randy had done at Kota that meant that Matty didn't trust him?
Found a new family

What did Susie tell Crystal that she had done before to help her tribe when the two of them were standing in the woods?
Brought big logs back

What did Randy say was the most important thing that the note to the tribes talked about doing?
Moving to the beach

What did Corinne say she was glad to hear Randy say that they agreed they needed to do as they talked in the morning?
Get rid of Matty next

What did Bob say he did at the last vote that shaped the decision he made that he was later unsure of?
Thought a merger was coming

What did Jeff Probst tell Marcus and Bob not to do during the challenge?
Start listening to anybody

What did Kenny say as he was sitting in a boat in a preview of the next episode?
Thought he could win the game

What did Marcus say he wanted to do as Kota discussed what happened during the vote?
Analyze what their weaknesses were

In a sponsored segment, what were viewers of "Survivor" urged to do as a cell phone and a browser's toolbar appeared on a jungle background?
Vote for the player of the week

In a sponsored segment what were viewers of "Survivor" urged to do to help support African communities as a green, yellow, and red striped background appeared?
Buy an offical limited edition t-shirt
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