View Full Version : back problems....

10-30-2008, 02:48 PM
So they never told me after I had my back operated on that the problem doesn't go away. And they never told me that when you DO have surgery, well guess what...the problem starts to move UP your back.

I am hurting so damn bad right now and pain pills just aren't doing anything cept making me sleepy. My leg is numb again and now my arm and hand are starting to get into the act. The part that was fused was L4,5 and S1. And the pain is now in the middle of my back. So tired of hurting. The weather changes don't help at all.

Any ideas? Heat doesn't help very much nor do the ice packs. I take 4 ibuprofen at work when it's bad and at least I'm able to get thru the day. The happy pills, I only take those at bed time and when it's really bad.

And now my brother thinks that he's going to get on disability because he has 7 bulging discs and mild spinal stenosis. He's absolutely dying to have a fusion done because he doesn't want to work. And I'm killing myself working two jobs now. It's really fun to drag myself out of bed crying cuz I hurt so bad.

10-30-2008, 03:14 PM
:hug I feel for ya!

10-31-2008, 07:21 AM
I know what you are going thru. Thank goodness I am retired or I would have to be on some heavy duty drugs. I go to a chiropractor once a week and get ulta sound which helps a lot. I have found out that the more the ice bothers me the more it is helping. By the time I put it on for the third time I usually get some relief. You have to be careful with the ice tho that you don't do it more than 15mins per hour.

10-31-2008, 08:07 AM
Have you ever tried a pain management clinic? And chiropractic care seems like a very good option.

10-31-2008, 08:44 AM
Back/neck problems byte the big one !

In fact, I have a 2:00PM Chiropractor appointment today ! It always takes me three visits to get 'back in order', but, it lasts me around six months.

I have a bad neck/cervical thing going on... have for years.

I was 'hit' twice over about a three year period, two people totaled my car, with me in it ! One hit me head on, one rear ended me... about three years apart, so, I got it in both directions. I'm not the 'sueing' type either, and, I thought I was fine, at the time. In both cases, my car was completely covered by the other guys insurance... but, I will pay the rest of my life with headaches from héll, a sick feeling in my head, occasional dizziness, lack of sleep etc... I do have good days and bad, and I'd give any amount of money to NOT have to suffer with this crap.

Life takes on a new meaning if you don't have your health.

I feel for ya... it gets old, I know.

10-31-2008, 03:16 PM
DH has a bad back. He has something that has slipped almost completly off. The doctors are amazed, they said it looks like he was a professional football player LOL. They really wanted to do surgery but he isn't even 40 yet. At least his dr's were honest and told him if they do it now, they will have to do the next one in a couple of years and so on. So they went in a killed the nerves that are causing the pain. It didn't fix the problem but at least he can walk now. Sometimes it scares me because he doesn't feel the pain as bad, he could hurt himself worse IMO. It was a pain management clinic that has helped him the most. They said it would only last temp and then they will do the surgery.
He also hated the meds.

10-31-2008, 03:25 PM
Physical Therapy?
I have scoliosis, luckily I can deal with it
hubby has a bulging disc he went to pt for, until he broke three ribs, so that is on hold for now

11-01-2008, 09:26 AM
I had the same surgery done 3 years ago this month. Mine was L5/S1, I had the fusion done and had no relief. They tried me on differant meds,physical therepy 3 diff. times and then sent me to a pain clinic which I still go to. The pain clinic doc. is the worst. He believes in injections which I have had 3 diff. kinds. Nothing has helped this pain. I can't do anything without it hurting. I was hurt picking a heavy object up at work so I have been on workers comp. now for 3 years and 8 monthes. It sucks to say the least. Even my attitude and personality has changed.
I really hope you find something that helps. I wish I could go back in time, I never would have had the surgery done. I'm sorry to drag on and on. I hope they find something soon. I am only 39 and my body feels like that of an old lady. The doctors tell me I will have to live with it and won't be able to hold a job any longer.
If you need any advise about anything or anything you think I could help you with, please pm me.
So sorry for your pain and sending you hugs.

11-01-2008, 09:52 AM
If your doctor did the surgery and never told you that you would be 100 % then that doc is a knucklehead. It has been about 10 years since I injured my back and the exact words were you will never be the same again you will always have pain learn to live with it and the best thing is to dont feel sorry for yourself. They then sent me to pain management they helped but the best was acupuncture it is my best friend.

I am shocked the doctor lets you stand for your job my told me the worst job was one on a concrete floor and I had to find a sit down job or not work at all.

Good luck with finding what helps ease your pain.

11-01-2008, 10:40 AM
My husband had surgery almost 3 yrs ago now and he is beginning to have the same pain in his back and shoulder but not his leg thank goodness. His leg got to where he was dragging it and sitting a lot before the surgery.

11-01-2008, 05:38 PM
I'm beginning to think I went to the wrong doctor....they took great care of me, but never told me not to work where i'm working....i love being there! Now I'm bummed.....