View Full Version : Sanctuary : Kush 10/24/08 10:00 PM , SCIFI

10-25-2008, 03:05 PM
Sanctuary : Kush
Exit Game

10/24/08 10:00 PM , SCIFI


For 100 Points: What did Magnus do when she thought Mr. Braun was the creature?
Locked him in a small holding cell

What did Magnus do to test if someone on board the plane was really the creature disguised as one of them?
Held samples of blood in the cold

What did John do in a flashback that Magnus had before she woke up to find herself in a crashed plane?
Proposed marriage to her

What did Will and Magnus do at the back of the plane shortly after Braun was killed?

Discovered the creature's unlocked cage

What did Magnus tell everyone to do after Tashio apologized for stowing away?

Seal the fuselage completely

What did Will do when he thought the rescue crew had arrived to save them?

Shattered the illusion and found a dead body

What did Mr. Braun do that caused a conflict between him and Sylvio on the plane shortly after Will had a nightmare about his mother?
Stole a gun from the storage area

What did Magnus do after checking on the copilot's broken leg inside the crashed plane?

Radioed home for assistance

What did Will do when he and Magnus found the copilot apparently dead from suicide?
Questioned if it might be murder

What did Magnus do when she realized who the creature was?
Shot it dead with her pistol