View Full Version : Crazy Eights 10/11 9:00 4500-4900+ pts.

10-12-2008, 03:25 AM
What did Jennifer Jones and Father Lyle Dey do as the led around a blind Gina Conte?
*Found a severed hand in the hall

What did Wayne Morrison tell Beth Patterson outside an abandoned barn that he did which resulted in him receivng a scar?
*Had too much to drink at a bar

What happened to Wayne Morrison that resulted in him losing his life?
*Window crashed down on his neck

What was Jennifer Jones doing when she heard a young girl's diembodied giggling?
*Standing next to a burning waste basket

What did Brent Sykes yell to an empty room that he was going to do after he escaped from the abandoned complex he was stuck in?
*Burn the place to the ground

What was Beth Patterson shown doing when she received a phone call from her therapist about three missed appointments?
*Sculpting a head out of clay

What was Father Lyle Dey doing when he received a wound in the neck that nearly killed him?
*Trying to reach for a slingshot

What was Beth Patterson seen doing as a mysterious little girl spoke to her and killed her?
*Sucking her own thumb

What was Wayne Morrison doing when he accidently broke his leg?
*Walking down into a dark cellar

What did Brent Sykes Dey to do on Father Lyle Dey's suggestion after the six friends confirmed that they were lost driving around Entonsburg?
*Follow a young girl crossing the road

What happened after Jennifer Jones was finished delivering a lecture to students about nature versus nature?
*Slides began projecting themselves

In a "Visions for Tomorrow" segment during this show, what did Grant Wilson, Jason Hawes, and Amanda Tapping say they did after watching movies like "The Day After Tomorrow" and "Children of Men". before and after a television provider was noted?
*Worried about the earth and realized they had to be accountable for their own futures