View Full Version : Music help

10-10-2008, 03:55 PM
OK, since I have decided to cut back at Christmas this year, and since my family is always asking for pictures of my kids, I decided to make a DVD with all of my family pictures on it for gifts this year. I want to add some songs to it and seem to be having a blank moment! LOL Any suggestions for songs to put on it? I thought about using the one by Elvis - Memories I think it is - but that may make it too emotional?

10-10-2008, 04:18 PM
What kind of music do your parents like? I would put some fun stuff on there to make it lite not really heavy. You could put lots of different songs on there or even snippets of different ones.

10-10-2008, 04:27 PM
My Mom had one of those made up with the entire Family, grandparents, cousins, everybody..LOL. Anyways, she used a lot of good songs, some make you happy and some of course make you cry, like with one of your relatives that have passed..but it's a good cry though. She used memories by Barbara Streisand that was a good one. And she used Just you & I by Eddie Rabbit & Crystal Gail for my Sister & husband..that was a good one. For one of the grandbabies she used It's a Small World Afterall..the Disney Song..that was really cute. I can't remember them all, but try to associate the song with the person. Deffinately go emotional on some though it will make for some good viewing later on...and have some fun ones in there too. Good Luck!!