View Full Version : Horrible week

09-24-2008, 03:52 AM
I have had such a horrible week and its only wednesday. Well first it started that we got a letter with my husbands last paycheck that they were no longer going to offer insurance to spouses and children because not enough people were adding their spouses and children that it was costing them to much money. SO......I had to get a second job to cover the $650 cost per month for insurance until we can find something compariable for our son.

THEN....an old filling I had came out when I was flossing my teeth on Thrusday so I had to get that fixed ( i hate the dentist). So everything went well at the dentist with fixing my tooth and all but because I was so stressed out and I had a "trauma" with my tooth I ended up with a ton of canker sores on my gums they started Monday. It would NEVER wish this pain on my worst enemy. I have tried every type of pain medication and rinse that I can think of and nothing is helping. I am so miserable. I haven't really slept since Monday, and I can't afford to take the day of work. AHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!


09-24-2008, 04:15 AM
I am sorry you are having such a hard time I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers

09-24-2008, 04:21 AM
You sure have had a rough week. I hope that you are feeling better soon. :hug

09-24-2008, 04:27 AM
Sorry for all that's gone wrong already this week! I also wanted to tell you what my family does for any kind of sores in your mouth. We take Lysine, it is a dietary supplement & should be easy to find. It's also not expensive. It clears up mouth sores pretty quick, we usually start taking them as soon as you feel one coming on. Give it a try and hope it makes for a quick end to your mouth problems!

09-24-2008, 04:28 AM
Have you tried heavy salt water?

mix 3 Tablespoons of table salt into 4 oz of WARM water -- stir till mostly dissolved ... then GENTLY swish in your mouth.

It will taste like crap, and probably make your tongue numb, but it does work.


great big Michigan hug to you. :(

09-24-2008, 04:41 AM
Do you have an option of paying in to the insurance for spouses? That stinks! I am so sorry!

09-24-2008, 05:01 AM
I ended up with a ton of canker sores on my gums they started Monday. It would NEVER wish this pain on my worst enemy. I have tried every type of pain medication and rinse that I can think of and nothing is helping. I am so miserable. I haven't really slept since Monday, and I can't afford to take the day of work. AHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!


I would rather walk barefoot over hot coals then go to the dentist, so boy do I feel your pain! Have you tried "Chroloseptic" lozenges for sore throats? I had a gum pain problem and I used the spray and it didn't work HALF as well as the lozenges. Go with the BRAND name, not the generic, you can get it from the dollar store for $3

atprm Have you tried heavy salt water?

mix 3 Tablespoons of table salt into 4 oz of WARM water -- stir till mostly dissolved ... then GENTLY swish in your mouth.

THIS works too!

09-24-2008, 08:00 AM
For now can you get your son on that hawkeye ins at school? I have no clue how it works. I know it seems like alot of families around here qualify. I KNow that wouldn't help you out. but it may make your INS cheaper?
As for your tooth, I feel your pain a little. I have been fighting a wisdom tooth. I just don't like dentists or the bills. We have dental ins. But it only pays for half of this type of things and it would still cost me a fortune.
So until it gets unbearable.......
So I hope the rest of your week gets better. :)

09-24-2008, 09:13 AM
for insurance for your children -- Michigan offers MI-CHILD until the children are 18 years old.

you DO have to pay for it, but it is only $10 a month NO MATTER HOW MANY KIDS YOU HAVE, and it covers everything 100%!!


09-24-2008, 10:05 AM
Sure Hope Everything Gets Better For You Soon-many Hugs To You

09-25-2008, 03:31 AM
Thank you to everybody for your comments. I have taken all your suggestions ad I'm trying them all (nothing like over medicationg right). I was gagging something fierce on th salt water but in the end it did help.

In regards to insurance I am actually interviewing with a physician on Friday and the position is full-time so I would be offered insurance. WOOHOO

Thanks again for all your help, thoughts, prayers, and hugs. YOU ALL ROCK!!!!

09-25-2008, 03:32 AM
Good luck with your interview. I hope things work out!