View Full Version : am i wrong?

09-08-2008, 05:39 PM
Tonight, sweetie got a text message from one of his daughter's friends. Said she had a wierd question for him. About an hour later, she wants to know if he is single. He says why. "I want to set you up with a very cute blond coworker of mine'. In the meantime, he tells me (when I asked what she wanted) that she wanted if his DAUGHTER was single. Baffled at this point why she would ask him and not the daughter....I knew something was up. Found out that she asked him if HE was single. Am I wrong to have blown a gasket? I told him I didn't want her calling or text messaging him anymore. Was that wrong?

09-08-2008, 05:47 PM
OMG NO! You are NOT wrong! Holy cow! I would have been pissed, not only that the girl is texting him with a question like that, but for the fact he lied to you about it. Was a poor lie at that....."wanted to know if his daughter is single?" and she is a friend of hers??? ughhh surely he could do better than that.
Is this something you suppose his daughter put her friend up to? Maybe she is trying to come between the 2 of you......just a thought......

09-08-2008, 05:50 PM
OMG NO! You are NOT wrong! Holy cow! I would have been pissed, not only that the girl is texting him with a question like that, but for the fact he lied to you about it. Was a poor lie at that....."wanted to know if his daughter is single?" and she is a friend of hers??? ughhh surely he could do better than that.
Is this something you suppose his daughter put her friend up to? Maybe she is trying to come between the 2 of you......just a thought......

not something i had thought of but now......
he says he is not unhappy with me but then he does this! And he said the reason he lied is because he didn't want to 'deal with it' at the moment while we were eating supper. Oh and that I was acting too wierd about it and he doesn't do 'stuff' like that. Granted, he is always where he says he is, but this one pissed me off!

09-08-2008, 05:59 PM
not something i had thought of but now......
he says he is not unhappy with me but then he does this! And he said the reason he lied is because he didn't want to 'deal with it' at the moment while we were eating supper. Oh and that I was acting too wierd about it and he doesn't do 'stuff' like that. Granted, he is always where he says he is, but this one pissed me off!

dang, Im sorry, maybe I shouldnt have said that about the daughter, but it would have been my thought had it happened to me. I didnt intend to start trouble between you and his daughter and I could be wrong.
Im just wondering how she got his number, and I still dont understand his reaction to the text.... but then thats just me.
Sorry this happened, hon.....and I still dont think you are wrong for getting mad.

09-08-2008, 06:01 PM
Not that he should have lied to you about what was asked but maybe he was trying to keep you from being upset as to not make a big deal about it? Just a thought. But, yeah, I'd have kicked some ass, because the daughter KNOWS he is not single, gimme a break.

09-08-2008, 06:02 PM

09-08-2008, 06:02 PM
I don't blame you one bit..that would make me very very upset too.hope everything is ok (( hugs ))

09-08-2008, 06:08 PM
I'm still pretty upset, don't know that the daughter actually did anything, can't even think WHY she would do that! I know this girl has been a friend of the kids for a long time. And she KNEW that I was going out with him! I also know she saw him a few weeks ago, so I am assuming that is how she got his number. I'm at the point right now of calling that cow up and giving her a piece of my mind!

I did tell him I didn't want her calling him or texting him, said that her phone doesn't ring, but he sent her a text message. Think I'm not gonna check?

09-08-2008, 06:12 PM

Hi sweetie :hug

09-08-2008, 06:30 PM
My thing about it is, he LIED. He didn't have to, but he did. Why do that?

09-08-2008, 06:34 PM
No advice just wanted to give you a :hug

09-08-2008, 07:25 PM
My thing about it is, he LIED. He didn't have to, but he did. Why do that?

I was thinking that samething. Why would he lie to you about a text? I would have been pissed cause it smells fishy to me. But I hope you get things figured out!

09-08-2008, 07:25 PM
Hmmm...not trying to be ugly but from your previous posts about you and "sweetie", I would sit down and rethink the whole relationship. This just doesn't add up. I would be ticked he lied as well and even more ticked that the whole story is flaky. Good luck.

09-08-2008, 07:43 PM
I would be upset about the lie too. If someone will lie over what they call not important stuff, then how can you trust them to tell you the truth when it counts? You have nothing if you can't trust each other.

09-08-2008, 07:53 PM
Hmmm...not trying to be ugly but from your previous posts about you and "sweetie", I would sit down and rethink the whole relationship. This just doesn't add up. I would be ticked he lied as well and even more ticked that the whole story is flaky. Good luck.

Believe me.....I have been. I've been living here over a year now. I want to be with this man the rest of my life. Ask him if he wants the same thing...I get 'yeah'. I truly believe his ex really screwed him up relationship wise. But he's also said he doesn't want me to leave. I think I'm screwed up. Sucks to be in love like this and be so damn unsure of what the other person really feels.

09-08-2008, 08:07 PM
Sounds like "sweetie" ain't so sweet.

09-08-2008, 08:23 PM
The bottom line is that he lied to you. Why would he really be afraid to tell you about the message if it was nothing? If he had nothing to hide then he would have been upfront and told you without making up some convoluted thing.
I'm not saying this in a mean way but after living with the man for over a year, you should know in your heart how he really feels. If not, I'd have the talk with him.
He lied and got caught, can only utter a "yeah" when you ask him if he wants the same thing and the fact that you're unsure of how he really feels isn't a really good sign.
All I can offer is hugs and hope that things get better.

09-08-2008, 09:05 PM
Tonight, sweetie got a text message from one of his daughter's friends. Said she had a wierd question for him. About an hour later, she wants to know if he is single. He says why. "I want to set you up with a very cute blond coworker of mine'. In the meantime, he tells me (when I asked what she wanted) that she wanted if his DAUGHTER was single. Baffled at this point why she would ask him and not the daughter....I knew something was up. Found out that she asked him if HE was single. Am I wrong to have blown a gasket? I told him I didn't want her calling or text messaging him anymore. Was that wrong?

Is there any chance his daughter was just trying to see how serious your relationship is?
And considering some of the lies men tell, this one might have actually been to save your feelings, obviously he didn't put a lot of thought into it.
I wouldn't be worried. I think he loves you and was trying to save your feelings.
Time will tell. If you love him like you say, forgive him this little one.
And of course not, you were not wrong to tell him no to texting this woman.

09-09-2008, 05:16 AM
I agree with Buglebe, he might have been trying to save your feelings. Could it have caught him so off guard he just panicked and lied? He can't control what other people do, just how he responds. As long as he doesn't act on the invite I'd be OK with it. Of course, I'd be very careful of the daughter and her friends.

09-09-2008, 06:22 AM
From previous threads that you have posted, it came across to me that you may be a jealous personality. Maybe this is why he felt he needed to lie, he knew you would go ballistic?

09-09-2008, 06:56 AM
not to sound mean and hurtful, but I think you need to get out of this relationship, it seems it is really not working out. Sure you'll be heartbroken, but in the long run you'll be happier and healthier without this relationship. And one day you'll find someone even better than him. Just my opinion

09-10-2008, 07:19 AM
my thing is, HOW IN THE HELL DID SHE GET HIS NUMBER IN THE FIRST FREAKIN PLACE????? either he gave it to her, or daughter gave it to her.. either one is NOT ACCEPTABLE!!!!!!!!.

i'm gonna stop now or i'm really gonna be on a roll

09-10-2008, 09:28 AM
He LIED.PERIOD. If you feel the need to call/text that girl or keep a tab on his cell phone usage, this is NOT the relationship for you. My advice is pack up your pride & diginty & move on.
I can not say I am familiar with your posts but loving someone enough to be in a committed relationship with them means having 110% faith & trust and right now you simply do not have either.
My b/f lives 100 miles away from me right now so we only get to see each other on weekends. I do not feel the need to check his cell phone the minute he walks through my door. In fact I never checked his phonenor has he ever checked mine.
We have something called trust & honesty

09-10-2008, 11:18 AM
why lie if nothing is up?that jst dont make sense to me!!!! i dont buy that he was eating or the line he didnt want to upset you.jmho

09-10-2008, 11:22 AM
I have to agree with everyone else.. its not the fact she texted him.. you can't control what someone else does... but the fact that he lied to you about sends up all kinds of red flags...