View Full Version : Sick of political media coverage

09-04-2008, 09:42 AM
Yesterday on the radio, the "media" is asking for a DNA test on our female's VP Downs Syndrome baby. Reason you ask--to find out if it is really her's or if her 17 year old had a baby before this recent pregnancy. Now I find that just a tad over the top. In fact it actually ticked me off. I like to know their platform but for goodness sakes, leave the kids out of it. I am sure there is not one of us on this forum that does not have something in our past that hurts when we think about it. I mean, do we all have "perfect children"? Were we "perfect children"?
There should be kinder :rules to follow and not drag the children into the arena.

09-04-2008, 09:49 AM
I agree that is it is no one else's business if it is her's or her DD's. That's private family business.

09-04-2008, 09:55 AM
I feel bad for her daughter because she's going to be under so much scrutiny now, people will be watching her belly more than they watch the "celebrities".
I'm sure she realized that there would be scrutiny and bad mouthing, but I think this has just sunk to a new low. Who cares if it's not her baby? Do mothers of adopted children think any differently of their kids? No, they are their kids, regardless of who gave birth. IF she chose to raise her daughter's child as her own, so what? IF that's the case, okay so she lied, but what politician hasn't lied...heck, what person hasn't lied?

09-04-2008, 01:17 PM
Give me a break! These morons should be ashamed of themselves! It doesn't make a difference who you are supporting, what are they dragging a baby into the midst of this for?!?!

09-04-2008, 02:33 PM
I also have a problem with the press stressing that the baby has Downs Syndrome every time they mention him. So what! Special needs children don't need to be pointed at for recognition! That baby needs just as much love and nuturing as any other baby.

09-04-2008, 04:09 PM
Yesterday on the radio, the "media" is asking for a DNA test on our female's VP Downs Syndrome baby. Reason you ask--to find out if it is really her's or if her 17 year old had a baby before this recent pregnancy. Now I find that just a tad over the top. In fact it actually ticked me off. I like to know their platform but for goodness sakes, leave the kids out of it. I am sure there is not one of us on this forum that does not have something in our past that hurts when we think about it. I mean, do we all have "perfect children"? Were we "perfect children"?
There should be kinder :rules to follow and not drag the children into the arena.

That's outrageous! Talk about an invasion of privacy! What do they base something like that on anyway? These people are like snipers,they shoot,hoping they'll hit a target! I've heard it all now!

09-04-2008, 07:46 PM
I agree children should be left out ,:rules but there is no off limits or privacy when it comes to the media.

When you are a high profile person,you go with the flow ,because the media isn't giving in.

09-04-2008, 07:51 PM
even Obama said families should be off limits ESPECIALLY children, finally something I can agree with him on

09-04-2008, 08:59 PM
In defense of the press( much to the chagrin of the public) they deal in letters not numbers. If they could add then they would have to admit their accusations are not only intrusive but baseless . The little boy is 4 months old and the daughter is suppose to be 5 months pregnant. :slap

09-05-2008, 04:42 AM
As with previous political candidates -- THE CHILDREN SHOULD BE OFF LIMITS.

I don't care if you are Republican, Democrat, Libertarian, Librarian, Mongrel, or Swahili.

09-05-2008, 06:29 AM
Even if it was true - let's criticize her for taking in a baby but let's not even think about how many married politicians have paid for abortions so their love child didn't wreck their precious careers. What could possibly be wrong with her having that baby, whether hers by birth or not? Then add up the numbers and STFU.

09-05-2008, 07:10 AM
I understand her desire for privacy. However, if she's willing to trot the kids on stage, she opens them up to a certain amount of interest.

You can't have it both ways. Either keep them at home, or be prepared for questions.

And why aren't those kids in school? And who home schools them? I thought she had a full time job...

09-05-2008, 09:06 AM
I gaurantee you, if I was being given the nomination for VP candidate, my kids would be right there. That is historic.

09-05-2008, 09:09 AM
One of the sweetest thing I saw when she accepted the nomination was her daughter, i'm guessing about 8 was smoothing her baby brothers hair. She licked her hand to make it stay down LOL It was such a sweet innocent thing to do.

09-05-2008, 11:01 AM
Since politicians tend to be wealthy people they probably have some sort of a tutor that works with their kids if they aren't in a private or public school. They probably travel around with them when they are "on the road". Also school just started up again yesteday in our area so it's possible that it wasn't even time for the kids to be back in school yet.

09-05-2008, 09:59 PM
People don't even necessarily have to be wealthy.Sometimes home-schooling parents pool their resources and donate their fields of expertise to each other's kids.They sort of take turns tutoring each other free of charge.